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3 votes
2 answers

Expand key-values with \def of \newcommand?

I have multiple repeated \begin{enumerate}[label=A\alph*), ref=A\alph*] and I want to reduce code duplication. I would also like to avoid creating new environments if possible. I just want a simple ...
Edoardo Fiocchi's user avatar
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How to give a name (not just label) to an equation

I have the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[top = 2cm, bottom = 1cm, left = 1.5cm, right = 1.5cm, includefoot]{geometry} \usepackage[italic = true]{derivative} \usepackage{physics}...
Peluche's user avatar
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Custom object that increments when inserted and can be referenced with labels

I would like to create abbreviation such as CE1, CE2, etc. that as I introduce them through the document they automatically increase the counter. I would also be able to later reference them in the ...
jsb's user avatar
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Cross Referencing and floating Point calculation inside of a tabbing environment

Based on this Q / A I have the problem that my cross references and the corresponding calculations don't seem to work properly within a \tabbing environment. The calculation itself seems to work, but ...
PascalS's user avatar
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Summarize all costs and show the result in different places of the document

Let's say there is a large document in which the costs for different expenses are listed in different places. At every point where these costs are listed, I would like to have not only the costs ...
PascalS's user avatar
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How do I refer a table with custom numbering?

I have the following code that generates a table: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{booktabs} \newcommand{\name}[4]{ \begin{table}[!htbp] \centering \begin{tabular}{p{\...
Lepakshi Ramkiran's user avatar
4 votes
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\newcommand with arbitrary number of arguments

I have a few convenience commands defined in my TeX document: \newcommand{\figref}[2][\ref]{Fig.~#1{#2}} % Figure \newcommand{\tabref}[2][\ref]{Table~#1{#2}} % Table \newcommand{\equref}[2][\eqref]{...
Mate de Vita's user avatar
4 votes
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Macro in `\section` names expand in context of `\nameref`

If I have a \section where its name includes a macro, if I try to reference that section via \nameref the included macro seems to be expanded at the point of the \nameref rather than the point of the \...
BCS's user avatar
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How to use a macro to create a label for figures? [duplicate]

There's another question that provides the answer I think should work (Automated label tagging in figure? Automated labeling?), but even when I directly copy and paste that code, the \ref function ...
Ellie's user avatar
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Double colon in prettyref label

The prettyref package works by inspecting labels of the form \label{format:name} and creating a reference based on just the format:. The documentation says: Do not use the character : anywhere within ...
Mew's user avatar
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Create blocks of content to reference multiple times throughout a document

I have to create a series of exercises, all with the same items: Title Image Questions Solutions etc.. I would like to create a separate file for each exercise and then from my main document be ...
jsb's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I merge \ref and \nameref into one command?

Note: There is a question here with an almost identical title, but the person there is asking for a completely different thing. I am currently writing a document that regularly refers to the name of a ...
Clement Yung's user avatar
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Environments with tcolorbox, referencing

I have a large textbook written and I wish to add color boxes around my theorems, lemmas, etc without changing my main text too much. Currently, each theorem environment is defined in the usual way, e....
wnx's user avatar
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I need automatic cross - referencing of question number with answer. so that if I click the question number it will lead to answer

\documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{exam} \usepackage{amsmath,amsthm,amsfonts,amssymb,dsfont} \usepackage{ifthen} \usepackage[margin = 0.8in]{geometry} \usepackage{gensymb} \newcommand{\ttt}{\textbf{- T}} \...
vinoth kumar's user avatar
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Custom Cross-Referencing of Figure does not work in HTML output

I'm currently creating the final version of a paper published at ACM. In my main latex file I declared the following command: \newcommand*{\myref}[2][]{% \hyperref[{#2}]{% \ref*{#2}#1}% } I use ...
BlackHawk's user avatar
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