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Questions tagged [java]

{Java} is a general-purpose, concurrent, class-based, object-oriented programming language.

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lstlisting and tcolorbox - line numbers margin

I want to get my code look something like this: but I have problems with the line number position, it's on the box line. \documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage[a4paper,top=2cm,bottom=3cm,left=3cm,...
sp8cky's user avatar
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Failed to install LanguageTool on my Texstudio

This this the message when I check my LanguageTool: "where java: D:\JDK\bin\javaw.exe JAVA: javaw.exe java version "21.0.2" 2024-01-16 LTS Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 21.0.2+...
Mengyu's user avatar
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1 answer

Arara doesn't work anymore after package update to v 7.1.1

I am writing Latex code in VSCode with TexLive installed on Windows 10 and I am using Arara. % arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes } %! arara: biber % arara: pdflatex %! arara: pdflatex Everything worked ...
Giuseppe's user avatar
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Java blocking arara

Experiencing what appears to be java blocking arara when typesetting using TeXShop on the following code when run on an M2 Mac with Ventura OS: % arara: lualatex: { synctex: on } % arara: lualatex: { ...
Star Blooming's user avatar
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How to enable LuaLaTeX arara Dialog boxes on M2 Ventura Mac

I've taken a number of steps to implement LaTeX arara Dialog boxes on a M2 Mac, as described on pages 80-85 in the arara-manual.pdf et al., but something is still missing. The steps taken so far ...
Star Blooming's user avatar
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"arara" shows "java" error: "\runscript.tlu:921: command failed with exit code 1: java.exe -jar"

When I run arara for a LaTeX file, the error is here: C:\texlive\2023\bin\windows\runscript.tlu:921: command failed with exit code 1: java.exe -jar c:\texlive\2023\texmf-dist\scripts\arara\arara.jar ...
Y. zeng's user avatar
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albatross on Vanilla Tex Live does not run [closed]

I installed vanilla TeX Live on Debian instead of using apt. My $PATH includes /usr/local/texlive/2022/bin/x86_64-linux so that I do not need to type the full path everytime I want to use pdflatex or ...
ixn4772's user avatar
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Computer Modern TTF and TFM files with original 7-bit codepoints

Background While modernizing the New Typesetting System (NTS) into a 100% pure Java library to generate SVG versions of TeX, I've hit an impasse. Problem The issue is that math and ligatures don't ...
Dave Jarvis's user avatar
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Displaying Java code in LaTeX using a monospace font

I found this pretty template to display Java code with LaTeX. It works fine, expect for the fact that blanks do not seem to have the same width as letters. Therefore code that is indented is not in ...
Stapelüberläufer's user avatar
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Replicate eclipse screen for java code

Hi there is a method to replicate the eclipse screen with keyword colors for a java code like this I tried this but it doesn't work \documentclass[a4paper, 11pt]{article} \usepackage{geometry} ...
SimoPape's user avatar
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I need to generate a large technical document with dynamically generated data from java

I'm writing an Interface Control Document (ICD) that contains dynamic data queried from relation databases and extracted from Magic Draw SysML/UML models. The java "backend" to obtain/...
Phillip McKrevice's user avatar
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How to make Box with outer row count?

can someone tell me how to make the following picture in Latex? Especially the box and the outer row count? Thanks!
T.Stammer's user avatar
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Arara Error: Unable to access jarfile

I am trying to compile a LaTeX document using arara on the command line, but I get a Error: Unable to access jarfile notification.This happens even when I do only arara -V for the version. Strangely ...
Matthijs's user avatar
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Change listing colors and allow auto-indent

This is my listing whose code is: \lstset{ inputencoding=utf8/latin1, language=Java, % choose the language of the code numbers=left, % where to put the line-...
user225381's user avatar
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3 answers

How to setup LanguageTool for TexStudio installed via HomeBrew on macOS

I have installed LanguageTool via HomeBrew: brew install languagetool which automatically installs OpenJDK as a dependency brew install java which places the Java binaries in /usr/local/opt/...
Foad's user avatar
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