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Questions tagged [boxes]

{boxes} are the units used by (La)TeX to construct a page by pasting them together horizontally or vertically. A single character from a font is a box, as are the lines of type and the eventual page.

3 votes
1 answer

How to horizontally align horizontal boxes in a vertical box?

In vertical mode, horizontal boxes are stacked one on top of the other and aligned to the left. How can I get the boxes to align to the right instead? \vbox{ \hbox{short line} \hbox{looooooonger ...
4 votes
3 answers

Expand \hbox to the width of parent \vbox

I have two \hboxes, one above another, inside \vbox: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} Some\vbox{\hbox{longer text above}\hbox{shorter text}}and some more text. \end{document} Which ...
0 votes
0 answers

LyX hyperref boxes wrong placement

I started using LyX a while ago and soon I got this strange problem. The hyperref boxes doesn't cover the actual title in the table of contents. I only used LyX's PDF properties -> Use hyperref ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to group elements in order to use them like one character

I want to create commands that will show some data and will be used as a single character in different places (paragraphs, tables etc.). Here is an example of how it should be looking: I achieved it ...
1 vote
1 answer

Marginnote and vertical alignment of boxes

After solving the problem I had with the vertical alignment of the margin notes (, I am facing a similar problem. I can't control the vertical position of ...
0 votes
1 answer

Aligning a page reference to the bottom of a centered table

I have a page reference to a source text that I'd like to align to the bottom of a centered table. Here is an illustration what I currently have: Note that the page reference ("[p. 74]") ...
96 votes
2 answers

Function and usage of \leavevmode

I am beginner of LaTeX. From many examples I found, I notice that it's very common to use command \leavevmode. I can't find any information about this command. Could anyone tell me what's the function ...
5 votes
2 answers

Box taking exactly N \baselineskip

I'm trying to define a memoir's \fancybreak taking a vertical space of, say, 2\baselineskip (or any other exact amount of \baselineskip). But I have a problem with the height: if I do \documentclass[...
-1 votes
2 answers

How to add colors in boxes and arrows?

My code is complete, I just want the image to be more pretty by adding colors in boxes and arrows. here's the code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{shapes....
1 vote
1 answer

How to put a text inside a box within a boxed environment?

I have the following LaTeX code, which makes use of a boxed environment. I want to put some of the text within a dashed and normal box, but it throws an error. Any ideas how to achieve this? \...
1 vote
1 answer

dashed border for beamercolorbox

Is it possible to draw a beamercolorbox with a dashed border? I cannot find in the Beamer documentation the possibility of such kind of decoration.
0 votes
0 answers

Delimit beginning/end of a text section (not being in a box) using visual objects, glued to text at page break

Context I'm creating a LaTeX class for popular mathematic articles in which images play a central role. As a result, the following requirements have been set for: the online versions of articles (...
18 votes
5 answers

How can I have a verbatim text in specific sized box?

I am trying to typset the following \resizebox{0.95\textwidth}{!}{% \begin{verbatim} require( "lattice" ) require( "grid" ) \end{verbatim} } I have a lot more to add to this box, and it needs ...
130 votes
2 answers

What does the phrase "Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph" actually mean?

What does the actual phrase above mean?
1 vote
1 answer

colorbox: how to fill only the inner area of a rectangle (square) with rounded corners

If I have a letter of type "(vertical) rectangle with rounded corners" and put it in a \colorbox{<fillcolor>}{text}, is there a way to set the colorbox-parameters so that exactly the ...

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