I want to include the ORCID link with the .png file. I am using \documentclass[sn-mathphys]{sn-jnl} (MWE). I found an existing Stack Overflow answer that explains how to add an ORCID iD. I followed the instructions, and it was successful. However, the ID appears just after the name, as shown below in the image. I would like it to appear after the full name and superscripts, similar to this PDF: Example PDF.

I have attempted to place it in different positions; however, it always results in an error. Currently, I am doing it like this according to stackoverflow answer:

\author[1]{\fnm{First} \sur{Author}\,\orcidlink{0000-0002-0000-0001}} \email{[email protected]}

The above code generates following output. enter image description here


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