With big foot package sometimes footnote text is placed on other page then corresponding footnote mark. MWE:

\documentclass[11pt, b5paper, final]{memoir}





enter image description here enter image description here

However if I create similar document without bigfoot it works as expected. MWE

\documentclass[11pt, b5paper, final]{memoir}




enter image description here enter image description here

Question how can I fix bigfoot that marks appear on same page as text? I can choose other package for footnotes, but i need insert second level footnotes into first level footnote (as in bigfoot MWE).


1 Answer 1


A simpler example for the problem is




bigfoot has obviously a problem with long footnotes followed by more footnotes.

The problem appears the first time in texlive 2015, and this indicates the source of the problem: at that time latex change the allocation system for extended registers and bigfoot adjusted to this change by not loading etex anymore. But bigfoot tests in one place \count266 which with etex contained the marks allocation, while in the new system \count256 should be used.

Correcting this number solves the problem:





Inform the maintainer so that he adjusts bigfoot.

  • Already wrote a letter to maintainer with this bug. And will send a follow up with your fix. Thanks. Commented Jan 31, 2019 at 13:02

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