I am using the memoir class for my theis together with package biblatex-chicago for my citations. When I compile my document I get the following warning from biblatex-chicago.

Since you are using the 'memoir' class, I'm leaving the formatting of the foot- and/or end-note mark and text to you.

In a previous document (that was not a memoir document class) my footnotes were showing with superscript numbering in the text and with inline numbering in the footnote as per the preferred method of the Chicago manual of style but in the memoir class they show as superscript in both the text and the footnote.

Here is a MWE

\usepackage{lipsum} % just for dummy text
\usepackage[notes, backend=biber, bookpages=false]{biblatex-chicago}

address = {Anytown},
booktitle = {Example book},
pages = {5},
title = {{Any book you want}},
year = {2000}


\addbibresource{\jobname} % if you’re using biblatex



I have reviewed the rather large manual for memoir class but I have got rather lost on how to set up the footnote styling. The manual for biblatex-chicago make referrence to the warning above but not much else with regard to the memoir class. What I would like to know what do I need to do to set my footnotes to show inline numbering.

1 Answer 1


If you want something like this:

Footnote with period

Then just modify the style of the footmark as described in the memoir manual (235-36):


And put it somewhere in the preamble of your document:


  address   = {Anytown},
  booktitle = {Example book},
  pages     = {5},
  title     = {{Any book you want}},
  year      = {2000}

\usepackage[notes, backend=biber, bookpages=false]{biblatex-chicago}
\addbibresource{\jobname.bib} % you need the file extension here 


\lipsum*[1]\autocite{book1} % the starred version looks better with a footnote

  • 1
    This is so helpful! Chicago likes a period after the number, so \footmarkstyle{#1.\,} Commented Nov 16, 2014 at 20:23
  • @Andrew Cashner you are right, it should be with a period. I changed my answer accordingly.
    – DG'
    Commented Nov 16, 2014 at 20:41

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