How can I put the subcaptions in the kaobook package into the center of the the subfigure. I tried \captionsetup[subfigure]{justification=centering}, but this has no effect on the placement of the subcaptions.
I expect there is some interaction with the floatrow package used by kaobook, but I could not find the proper option to change the position of the subcaption.





    \caption{subcap 1}
    \caption{subcap 2} 
  \caption{big caption}


2 Answers 2


kao.sty sets the following caption options:

% Set the global caption style
    format=margin, % Use the style previously declared
    %hypcap=true, % Links point to the top of the figure
    indention=0pt, % Suppress indentation
    parindent=0pt, % Suppress space between paragraphs
    aboveskip=6pt, % Increase the space between the figure and the caption
    belowskip=6pt, % Increase the space between the caption and the table

To get short (sub-)caption centered, one needs to revert the format=margin and singlelinecheck=false setting, e.g.:




    \caption{subcap 1}
    \caption{subcap 2} 
  \caption{big caption}


Thanks to P.M. for pointing me to pointing to the \captionsetup. The solution works but there a slight differences in the font size of the subcaption.
To solve this issue one can define a caption format similar to margin and @margin@par in kao.sty and replace \justifying with \Centering.

    \Centering% center text
    \setlength{\RaggedRightParindent}{0em}% Suppress indentation
    \setlength{\parindent}{0em}% Suppress indentation
    \setlength{\parskip}{0.5pc}% Set the space between paragraphs
    %%\singlespacing% Set the space between lines
    \frenchspacing% No additional space after periods
    \normalfont% Use the default font
    \footnotesize% Use a smaller size
\DeclareCaptionFormat{subcap}{\subcappar #1#2#3}

The following line can be either added to the header to affect all subcaptions or to the figure environment to affect only one figure.


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