Process and Spotlights

"UC Berkeley's IT professionals work together to provide the tools, data, and infrastructure the campus community needs to continue to grow as the world's greatest public research university."

Our Process

In-depth IT strategic planning began in the Fall of 2016 with Reimagining IT (ReIT): a months-long process involving the entire One IT community. During this time, the Program Planning Group (PPG) was formed to guide the process and to ensure priorities aligned with Berkeley's campus strategic plan. Since the successful creation of the initial ReIT Strategic Plan, a newly constituted PPG continues to oversee our annual One IT priority-setting process and steward strategic technology projects and related campus initiatives. In Spring 2021, we evolved, and to reflect the new operational phase of our work, we renamed this the One IT Strategic Plan.

One IT Strategic Planning Process 

  • Each year, in January, we begin the strategic planning process by calling for top IT-related priorities from dozens of departments across campus.
  • In mid-April, we invite One IT Leaders to collectively identify the top IT Priority Initiatives for our One IT Strategic Plan.
  • In June, we publish the plan and share it with the Chancellor’s Cabinet to showcase the ways in which we coordinate and collaborate to support the campus Strategic Plan through our work.

 Slide showing timeline of Strategic Planning process outlined in the paragraph above

FY25 One IT Strategic Plan one pager showing names of top priority initiatives

Presentations and Updates

During our plan's project and implementation phases, we sent regular reports. Progress updates are now highlighted during the monthly CIO Open Forum.
