Information Risk Governance Committee (IRGC)

Meeting Schedule, Agendas, and Notes


  • Two meetings per semester

Agendas & Notes

Future Meetings

  • Thurs., 02/29/2024, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
  • Thurs., 05/09/2024, 3:00-4:30 p.m.


The Information Risk Governance Committee (IRGC) provides the campus framework for institutional governance of information risk. Information risk includes, but is not limited to, the following broad categories:

  • Autonomy Privacy – The ability of individuals to conduct activities without observation.

  • Information Privacy – Appropriate protection, use, and dissemination of information about individuals.

  • Information Security – Protection of all information and information infrastructure.

  • Balancing Process – This is in place for the sometimes conflicting interests of Autonomy Privacy and Information Security.

IRGC is charged by the Compliance, Accountability, Risk, and Ethics (CARE) committee to make recommendations on campus information risk issues. These recommendations are campus policy that sets campus information risk tolerances. IRGC’s broad membership allows for the evaluation of the impact on recommended risk management policies, with respect to the full diversity of campus activities.

While IRGC will, out of necessity, deal with topics that touch on technology, the primary focus of IRGC is information risk as viewed through decidedly non‐technical lenses, ranging from alignment with campus values to reviewing the cost‐benefit analysis of any proposed policy. When technical depth or privacy balancing is required, IRGC is supported and advised by the Campus Information Security and Privacy Committee


Three types of questions rise to the level of governance:

  • A balance between information security, privacy, transparency, and accountability.

  • Decision rights on accepting risk and setting institutional risk thresholds: reviewing and deciding on exception requests to information risk management policies. This authority may be delegated to the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or Chief Privacy Officer (CPO). IRGC committee executive sponsors and co-chairs may escalate emergency and very high-impact decisions on exception requests to CARE.

  • Oversight of the campus privacy and campus information security programs to ensure adequate transparency on how personal information is protected, what data is collected about the digital activities of individuals, and how such data is used.


yellow web button with the text "membership"

  • Privacy Office, Campus Privacy Officer (Co-Chair)

  • Berkeley IT Information Security Office, Chief Information Security Officer (Co-Chair)

  • Academic Senate, Faculty at Large

  • Academic Senate, Computing and Information Technology (CIT) Committee, Chair

  • Associated Students of the University of California (ASUC), Undergraduate Student Representative

  • Athletics Administration, Associate Director of Athletics, Performance, Health & Welfare; Head Athletic Trainer

  • Communications and Public Affairs, Executive Director of Communications and Marketing

  • Controller’s Immediate Office, Controller & Assistant Vice Chancellor

  • Cyber-Risk Responsible Executive

  • Division of Equity & Inclusion, Vice Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion

  • Division of People and Culture, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources; Chief People & Culture Officer

  • Enrollment Management, University Registrar

  • Ethics, Risk and Compliance Services, Deputy Associate Chancellor

  • Facilities Services, Associate Vice Chancellor

  • Graduate Assembly, Graduate Student Representative

  • Graduate Division, Business Systems Analyst
  • Office of Legal Affairs, Associate Campus Counsel

  • Office of Research Administration and Compliance, Assistant Vice Chancellor��

  • Office of Vice Provost for Faculty, Associate Vice Provost for the Faculty

  • Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Associate Vice Chancellor of Financial Planning & Analysis

  • Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, Assistant Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff to the Provost

  • Residential and Student Services Programs, Executive Director of CalDining

  • Summer Sessions, Study Abroad, Lifelong Learning, and University Extension, Director of Information Technology

  • UC Berkeley Library, Associate University Librarian for Digital Initiatives and Information Technology

  • University Development and Alumni Relations, Associate Vice Chancellor

  • University Health Services, Associate Vice Chancellor

  • University of California Police Department, Administrative Lieutenant