Classroom Technology & Equipment

Classroom Technology & Equipment

A variety of classroom technology, equipment, and support is offered to faculty and students in learning environments and facilities across campus from the Research, Teaching, and Learning (RTL) department. Visit the RTL website to learn more about all the services and programs they offer to instructors. RTL also manages the Center for Teaching and Learning to partner with campus educators -- including facultystudents, and staff -- to inspire, enrich, and innovate Berkeley's collective teaching and learning community.

Support for Instructors

Review a summary of what RTL offers which is the best source for updates, resources, and information. Instructors experiencing classroom support issues that need immediate attention, please get in touch with the Classroom Helpdesk:

  • Live chat support: click on the "Chat With Us" bubble on the lower right side of the RTL website
  • By phone: 510-643-8637.
  • For non-urgent issues and questions, contact us via email:
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