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Zombo's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
207 votes

How to download files from command line in Windows like wget or curl

171 votes

Create .zip folder from the command line - (Windows)

89 votes

How can I convert MP4 video to MP3 audio with FFmpeg?

56 votes

Checking where a symbolic link points at in Windows 7

45 votes

Change default code page of Windows console to UTF-8

44 votes

Joining H264 *without* re-encoding

40 votes

How do all of these "Save video from YouTube" services work?

33 votes

Formatting : The volume is too big for FAT32

30 votes

How to kill a windows process in a cygwin terminal?

26 votes

How to extract the filename without the extension from a full path?

23 votes

Equivalent of Linux `touch` to create an empty file with PowerShell

22 votes

I can't see MSYS home directory under Windows 7's file explorer

19 votes

Why isn't there a delimiter character in ASCII?

18 votes

How do I add text to the beginning of a file in Bash?

17 votes

Powershell very slow to open/respond

17 votes

How to crop permanently in Acrobat?

16 votes

How can I download stream videos with rtmp protocol? From Harvard Extension, more specifically

15 votes

Download a file via HTTP from a script in Windows

13 votes

How can I copy a directory, overwriting its contents if it exists using Powershell?

13 votes

Download a file without wget or curl

12 votes

Tar up only 3 specific files in command line with linux

9 votes

Can FFMPEG capture from the screen in Windows?

9 votes

Upgrading and installing packages through the Cygwin command-line?

8 votes

Windows 8 placeholder keys

8 votes

How to check which timezone in Linux?

7 votes

Is there a way to display a countdown or stopwatch timer in a terminal?

7 votes

FFmpeg metadata not showing in Windows?

6 votes

Where should I put my Git repository?

6 votes

Where can I download ffmpeg with libfaac?

6 votes

Where is userChrome.css?

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