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Questions tagged [kill]

kill is a UNIX/Linux command to signal a process, by default with a signal to terminate the process. It can also be used to force a process to quit immediately without cleanly exiting or to tell a process to take some action (e.g. to signal a httpd to reread its configuration without restarting).

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How do I remove a Zombie Process, created using kill -9

I accidently seemed to close nano editor, and when I reopened against the file I was working on, I got a message the file was already being edited by my user and nano with a process ID. I used ps and ...
Asterion Daedalus's user avatar
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RHEL + kill -9 not really killing the process

We have around 85 running process with lshw Since these process increased the CPU load average , We tryed to kill them with kill -9 but without success root 3275 0.0 0.0 131720 8992 ? D ...
King David's user avatar
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How do you kill a process that can't be killed with kill -9?

Context: I need to create a floppy disk. I have a modern USB floppy disk drive, I want to run badblocks first to ensure that the "new" (new floppy disks are actually old new stock) floppy ...
AlphaCentauri's user avatar
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How to stop a non-killable process on a Ubuntu VM running on windows 10?

On windows 10 I have a Oracle VM VirtualBox running with Ubuntu 20.04.5 and sometimes an application (started with sudo) just "hangs". I am not able to kill the job using kill -9 <...
Alex's user avatar
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What to do when *nothing* will stop a mv command that did not finish

See screenshot. As you can see, I've tried all the things that I've read about to use. Nothing can kill this dang mv command. The last line with "mv: failed" has been there for 12+ hours, ...
Jayden Lawson's user avatar
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Immediate task kill for Windows 10/11?

I have a full screen application that sometimes hangs up and then suddenly slows my entire PC down my littering the system memory and hogging the CPU at 100% load. I know that you can kill apps using ...
Dan's user avatar
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how to get linux "kill -SIG pidlist" to report which PIDs it had killed really?

I am using Kubuntu 22.04 and in the moment KNOPPIX 9.1. kill -SIGSPEC pidlist does not reliably kill nor it reports which PIDs it kills and which not. In all my linunx live of about 30 years allways I ...
Anton Wessel's user avatar
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End task when access is denied (even when using cmd taskkill / powershell kill)

I have found a process running on my computer "rsEngineSvc.exe" and i want to uninstall this application from my laptop, meaning i must end the process to do so. I have tried using taskkill ...
logan_9997's user avatar
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How to kill this C program running inside tmux?

I'm testing a C program which has a section like this: #include <iostream> #include <unistd.h> #define LOOP_MAX 100 int main() { for (int i = 0; i < LOOP_MAX; i++) { printf(&...
Niing's user avatar
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Kill Linux of Chromebook installed via Linux

Some aplications I need (like VLC player, Office, etc) I instaled via linux beta on my Chromebooks. It works fine most of the time but when one of those processes crashes I can't kill it or restart it ...
Claudia's user avatar
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How to kill a process on ubuntu that won't die?

I am trying to kill this process that seems to be stuck in a loop: > ps auxww | grep -E '^USER|bash' USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND ubuntu 61505 99.7 ...
balupton's user avatar
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Killall -9 chrome, but not chrome-beta

Both Google Chrome and Google Chrome Beta are named "chrome" in the process list. I want to kill all instances of chrome, but keep all instances of chrome beta;) Any pointers as to what ...
Jason Hunter's user avatar
3 votes
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sudo kill -9 pid doesn't kill softwareupdated in mac

I have a process softwareupdated which is consuming lot of data. I just want to close the process as I dont want to update . I tried sudo kill -9 pid but it doesn't kill softwareupdated in mac. I keep ...
ASharma7's user avatar
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Kill bash/terminal/tty window/session from another terminal

Linux ThinkPad-E480 5.8.0-50-generic #56~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 12 21:46:35 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I have just encountered with the next situation: suspend command do nothing but ...
Давид Шико's user avatar
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How to safely kill bash/zsh/other shells with its history stored?

Shell programs do not react to SIGINT, so kill $(pidof shell) can not kill them. When I use kill -9 $(pidof shell), the shell immediately exited as I expected, but the history in the session is lost. ...
kqwyf's user avatar
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