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G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica''s user avatar
G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica''s user avatar
G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica''s user avatar
G-Man Says 'Reinstate Monica'
  • Member for 9 years, 11 months
  • Last seen this week
  • North America
76 votes

Difference between ${} and $() in a shell script

46 votes

Suppress execution trace for echo command?

46 votes

Do I really need recursive chmod to restrict access to a folder?

33 votes

Why does bash say No such file or directory when the file is on the path

26 votes

Is there a 'Restore session' command-line argument for Firefox?

18 votes

Creating alias for Trash

16 votes

How do I add multiple formulas into one cell?

11 votes

What's the difference between dd's command options bs=1024 count=1 and bs=1 count=1024

11 votes

Un-pause all paused processes osx

10 votes

Grep in files with a specific extension under a directory

9 votes

How can I retrieve the Session ID from command line?

8 votes

Where are shell functions stored on Linux?

8 votes

Is it possible for the root and home partitions to have different filesystems and to be located on seprate physical devices?

7 votes

Convert Text Value to Time Value in excel

7 votes

How can I see the available Windows Search Filters?

7 votes

how to get the array size in ms excel?

6 votes

Why size reporting for directory is different than other directories? (ls -l command ext4 filesystem ubuntu 15.04)

6 votes

Bash quotes unescaped on command substitution

6 votes

In bash, how do I define a "command scope" variable?

6 votes

How can I merge two Excel spreadsheets with non matching column letters?

6 votes

Easy way to make many files with names from the list

6 votes

Script to reference another file first

6 votes

Fill the last line up with nothing but emptiness to a specific position

5 votes

How to generate MD5 hash value for multiple files in a folder using cmd

5 votes

Archiving files with tar using the -C option?

5 votes

Custom Date Format in Microsoft Word 2016

5 votes

Microsoft Word is skipping table caption numbers - how to debug?

5 votes

Disable British to American spelling Autocorrect feature

5 votes

No such file or directory after typing $PATH in terminal

5 votes

How to have several paragraphs in a list item?

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