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Unanswered Questions

6,327 questions with no answers
9 votes
0 answers

How to get a list of connected devices?

I'm experiencing a strange phenomenon. Every now and then (perhaps once per hour on average) my Win7 box emits the "Device connected" system sound (the one you get when you plug in a USB device) for ...
9 votes
0 answers

How to change default view size of Windows 7 Photo Viewer

Is there a way to tweak Windows Photo Viewer so that it automatically opens images in actual size instead of fit in window?
6 votes
0 answers

How can I disable program notifications and popups in bottom right corner?

I have an older computer running Windows 7 SP1. I find that some installed programs, like antivirus trial, Flux, etc. decide they want to present some info to me in the form of a smaller screen with ...
6 votes
0 answers

Can't use local default gateway with Cisco Anyconnect VPN connection

I'm using Cisco Anyconnect as my VPN client on Windows 7. When I connect to VPN, all my traffic is routed through the remote gateway, but I'd like the traffic to route through the local gateway. I've ...
6 votes
0 answers

Force Windows 7 to store thumbnails locally

I want Windows 7 to store thumbnails cache files in the same folder as the files (thumbs.db) instead of using the centralized location for all thumbnails (By default %userprofile%\AppData\Local\...
6 votes
0 answers

How to reduce the hide-delay of Windows 7 taskbar previews?

When you hover the mouse over a taskbar item in Windows 7, it pops up the thumbnail preview. When you remove the mouse, there is a short delay and then the thumbnail disappears. Does anyone know if ...
6 votes
0 answers

IP Helper service uses 50-60% CPU every 1 minute for 3-4 seconds on Windows 7

I have checked everything - all the processes in the process explorer. IP Helper service is causing CPU usage of over 50 % every 1 minute for 3-4 seconds then comes back to normal. In the task manager,...
5 votes
0 answers

Windows 7 stops sending DNS packets at seemingly random times

Pinging an IP directly (and just about any other direct IP connection) seems to pass through. On the other hand, when pinging a domain, using chrome to enter a website or attempting to use nslookup ...
5 votes
0 answers

Are there any other modifier keys on Windows?

I'm trying to use the Win key as a modifier key on Windows. So far, the best approach I found is to map it to another key using AutoHotKeys. For example, I can map the left Win key to the left Control ...
5 votes
0 answers

How to temporally disable chrome extensions notifications

with new release of chrome 47, i'm not able anymore temporally disable notifications from bell icon in task bar in windows 7 when i play games in window-fullscreen mode, they appear and i prefer not ...
5 votes
0 answers

Edit text from the preview pane in Windows Explorer

Is there any way to configure Windows Explorer so as to be able to edit text from the preview pane, when previewing text files? I use Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate.
5 votes
0 answers

Parity errors after verify with Intel RST

I have Intel RST RAID 1 running on a Windows 7 machine. I have it set to do a verify and repair every week. I frequently notice parity errors, some weeks over 100 for a 1 TB RAID 1 array. I've ...
5 votes
0 answers

Computer wakes from sleep instantly. No lastwake information

My parents' computer wakes instantly when put to sleep. It spins down and then starts a second later. There are no devices set to wake, lastwake gives no information, eventvwr is empty, and the power ...
5 votes
0 answers

How can I remove a keyboard layout that isn't listed in the control panel?

Here's an interesting oddity: My work computer comes with a corporate disk image preloaded, and it is preconfigured with the German "QWERTZ" keyboard layout. Using the control panel, I added my ...
5 votes
0 answers

How to minimize Windows Media Player to system tray?

Is there a workaround for this? I try a Google search and find one called could not find link that worked.
5 votes
0 answers

Programmatically installing a system driver on Windows 7 x64

I am experimenting with the WinDDK and trying to install a system driver on a Windows 7 (x64)virtual box. I have an .inf file: ; testdriver.inf - install information file [Version] Signature = "$...
5 votes
0 answers

How to stop recording after x minutes of silence in Audacity?

I am using Audacity to record sound from webinar recordings.  There could be a few minutes of silence during the webinar. I want to set up Audacity to stop recording the best would be after, let's ...
5 votes
0 answers

DNS server keeps changing from Auto to Manual

A friend at a company I know has a fairly new Windows 7 laptop. She was complaining that the "internet doesn't work". After looking at it the first time, in Wireless > Status > Properties > ...
5 votes
0 answers

Mapped network drive is behind a VPN; How do I stop Windows from auto-connecting at startup?

(After about 15 minutes of searching S.U. I haven't found any relevant questions, so excuse me if I got the wrong search terms, and this is a dupe.) I'm running Windows 7 at work, and have a couple ...
5 votes
0 answers

Simulate high screen resolution Windows

I'm looking for a way to simulate a higher resolution on a Windows server than supported by the graphics card or screen. A good illustration would be a Linux server that you configure with TigerVNC ...
5 votes
0 answers

Chrome on Windows 7 is not respecting ClearType

I've noticed that my fonts seemed jagged on Chrome, but not Firefox, it seemed strange so I decided to configure ClearType again. It was already turned on, but I re-ran the config anyway. What I've ...
5 votes
0 answers

Win7 VirtualBox Server with TeamCity keeps BSODing

I'm testing out TeamCity with a small project (one checkin per day or so, small code base) on a Windows 7 VM in VirtualBox. I've had many successful VMs on this host, some of which were also Windows ...
4 votes
0 answers

Opening a specific MS Office program causes every executable in the desktop and below to be run simultaneously

I'm having a strange issue with MS Visio 2016 which when I open it, either directly (i.e. double-clicking Visio's executable from the Office's folder) or by a shortcut, it runs every executable (.exe) ...
4 votes
0 answers

How does Windows identify the network name via Ethernet?

Recent versions of Windows (7 and newer, i think) seem to be able to identify the network, that they are connected to via Ethernet automatically. The name "tbspace Networks" is the WiFi-SSID of the ...
4 votes
0 answers

WMI-Activity Event ID5858, ResultCode = 0x80041032 & DCOM Event 10010 timeout errors

I've been trying to eliminate two types of errors for about a month now. First are WMI Event 5858 result code: 0x80041032 and the Second are DCOM Event 10010 server timeout errors. Read 100s of ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to change windows console font with nerd or powerline?

First, this question is not duplicate of How to change the Windows XP console font?, and How to change the cmd.exe font? I want to change console font from to powerline font: (can show vim-theme, ...
4 votes
0 answers

Sticky corners in Windows 7?

I couldn't google anything about it. Afaik, Windows 8+ has a sticky corners feature where, while using multiple monitors, if the user moves the mouse from one monitor to another at the top or bottom ...
4 votes
0 answers

What exactly is "Browser" in Chrome's task manager, if it's not an open tab, and where is the traffic coming from?

I'm having problems loading some webpages on a slow connection on Chrome, and opened its Task Manager and saw that the "Browser" task is using up all the bandwidth to download something, but I don't ...
4 votes
0 answers

Connect monitor without taking an extra PCI-e slot or using on-board graphics

I have a Supermicro x9dri-ln4f+ connected to a microscope. It needs to have USB3, a high-res lag free display and 10GbE in same server. Currently my 6 PCIe slots look like: #1-4: important cards, #5:...
4 votes
0 answers

Extra mouse buttons don't work with Remote Desktop (Windows)

I use Remote Desktop on my home PC to connect to two different PCs at the office. On one of the remote PCs, my extra mouse buttons work, and on the other remote PC, the extra buttons sadly do nothing. ...
4 votes
0 answers

Cannot delete VirtualBox snapshot due to "insufficient space"

My disk is full because my VirtualBox snapshots are consuming a large amount of space. But, I cannot delete the snapshots because there's insufficient space. I would rather have my snapshots stored ...
4 votes
0 answers

Properly Restore Data Backup from Windows 7 in Linux (Mint)

I recently installed Linux Mint on my computer, dual booting with Windows 7. However, in the process I managed to corrupt my hard drive (trying to convert a "dynamic" Windows disk back to a "basic" ...
4 votes
0 answers

making an video a screensaver on windows 7

So I'd like to make a video a screensaver on Windows 7 and am having some difficulty doing so. So I converted my clip to a WMV and installed Photo Gallery and put the video - and just that video - in ...
4 votes
0 answers

How do I make the tab row background of Chrome be *not* transparent?

The background behind my Chrome tabs is now transparent. I can't click the close [x] and I often see other Chrome Window's tabs behind it which is very confusing.
4 votes
0 answers

Shortcut keys in Google Sheet don't work?

Background: I have version 45.0.2454.85 m of Chrome (the latest when writing this question). I have a Swedish version of Logitech MX 5500 physical wireless Bluetooth keyboard. Problem: My problem is ...
4 votes
0 answers

How can I enable smooth scrolling in Adobe Acrobat Reader DC?

I just updated to the latest Adobe Acrobat Reader DC, and since then, the scrolling in the pdf documents is very poor, it is like lines are jumping on the screen. This problem wasn't in the previous ...
4 votes
0 answers

Unable to set permissions using Cygwin on Windows 7

I have Cygwin 1.7.34(0.285/5/3) installed on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine and I've found that I'm unable to control the permissions of files/directories on my computer with it (through chmod). Most ...
4 votes
0 answers

Password required when trying to ssh into a server using Cygwin on Windows 7

I'm trying to set up a server at our company, and one of the things I'd like to be able to do is host public Git repositories on it which I can access over ssh. Both the server and the workstation I'm ...
4 votes
0 answers

How do I stop Windows from flooding smartcard with APDUs

Whenever I put a smartcard in/on my smartcard reader Windows (7 Prof, x64) immediately starts flooding it with APDUs possibly trying to identify the type of the card (SELECT and READ_DATA commands). ...
4 votes
0 answers

Linux access to Windows 7 dynamic volumes (striped or mirrored)

I'm considering setting up a dual-boot system for the first time for many years. My plan for the system is to set it up as follows: SSD for both system partitions 2 identical hard disks, split into ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to get a better contrast on Windows taskbar buttons?

I have two problems with the Windows taskbar buttons in Windows 7 (the taskbar is aligned to the left side of the screen): 1) There is almost no contrast between the focused window and other windows ...
4 votes
0 answers

Can't delete a read-only file on a VirtualBox (Vagrant) shared folder between Ubuntu (guest) and Win7 (host)

I have Vagrant running Ubuntu as a guest OS, on top of a Windows 7 host. When working on the shared folder between guest and host, if a file is read-only it can't be deleted. For example: vagrant@...
4 votes
0 answers

How to Schedule Tasks according to several Timezones

I need to use Windows Scheduler or any other app for setting jobs at a concrete time depending on destination country. That means scheduling a job at 7 am (UK Timezone), another at 7 am (US Timezone),...
4 votes
0 answers

Would a longer PATH environment variable slow down a system?

In Windows 7, will a long system PATH environment variable slow down the system in any noticeable/tangible way? My system PATH variable is 45-entries deep. I have an i7 930 @ 4.2GHz, but out of ...
4 votes
0 answers

Windows 7 - window dragging vertically when panning on overscroll - can it be disabled?

I have a Windows 7 touch screen computer. I noticed that when I have windowed applications which are vertically scrollable, for example Windows Task manager, and I scroll (with touch) to the bottom ...
4 votes
0 answers

Reverse scrolling with Synergy from Mac to Windows

I have my Mountain Lion MacBook Pro and my Windows 7 Toshiba laptop connected via Synergy with the Mac serving as the server, and the PC acting as the client. I have an external mouse connected to the ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to fix the COM port name for USB serial port in Windows 7?

I am using USB-to-Serial port adapter in Windows 7 notebook. The model as seen in Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers is named as Profilic USB-to-Serial Comm Port. When ...
4 votes
0 answers

Forcing Windows roaming profile sync

In my company the user profile and directory are roaming profiles and are getting synced at startup/shutdown. This doesn't always work correctly and sometimes changes get lost. It happens when there ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to print a long PDF page on a receipt printer?

I have an Epson TM-T88IV thermal point of sale printer and I print receipts with it. The receipts are given in PDF format. I have the problem that since some weeks the printer can only print receipts ...
4 votes
0 answers

Remove a Global Hotkey

This question is very similar to Delete Global Hotkey however requires a different solution. I know which application created the global hotkey. This application does not have any settings which ...

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