(After about 15 minutes of searching S.U. I haven't found any relevant questions, so excuse me if I got the wrong search terms, and this is a dupe.)

I'm running Windows 7 at work, and have a couple network drives mapped through a VPN. (This is using the basic VPN connection tool built into Windows 7. i.e. Where your VPN shows up with the list of wireless networks by the system tray.) Once I get into Windows, everything works well. I just connect to the VPN, then I can click on the network drive in Explorer and get prompted to reconnect the network drive. This succeeds, and I go about my business. However, the problem is that, since the VPN is not connected at startup, Windows spends a minute or two timing out, failing to connect to the network drives. I can't get the VPNs to connect at startup, because the only answers I've found on that subject refer to shortcuts which do not exist in Windows 7.


Is there a way to stop Windows from auto-connecting the network drives on startup? Alternately, can I change the timeout/retry time for when a network drive fails to connect?

  • You can drive running "net use * /delete /y". Put that in a batch script that runs at logon. You can do this with either Group Policy or Task Scheduler, or by placing it in your startup folder Commented Apr 28, 2016 at 15:39
  • It seems I never gave you the full idea. Once you do that, map the drives not persistently by using the p:/no switch. This means mapped drives will disconnect upon logout and not reconnect upon login. Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 19:06


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