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Force OSX text field to accept copy-paste I made a script that uses pyautogui to simulate the pasting. You can install the tool using pipx install dont-fuck-with-paste and use software like ...
Teddy C's user avatar
  • 357
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How can I run a batch file on macOS?

Don't use the batch file at all. It isn't doing much. I can't guarantee the next (powershell) step will work, but you don't need the batch file. This command: PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy ...
Señor CMasMas's user avatar
0 votes

macOS Monterey - How to change port on which Airplay receiver is running

There seems to be a workaround: Deactivate Airplay, start your app (probably node and similar) to block the port. Activate Airplay again, it will then choose another port when 5000/7000 is already in ...
needfulthing's user avatar
2 votes

Syntax highlighting in macOS terminal during program installation

A terminal application doesn't know anything about the content (text) it displays, so the color coding is driven by whatever application is running inside. In your example, it's the Rust compiler ...
nohillside's user avatar
0 votes

How can you find out the currently logged in user in the OS X GUI?

In MacOS Terminal, use either the users or the who commands to see the list of currently logged in users. The former (users) returns a list of short usernames (unix username) while the latter (e.g. ...
Motti Shneor's user avatar
0 votes

Can the MacBook warn me if power adapter is not plugged?

Open shortcuts and add the following: Now you can run it in a loop as a shell script as follows: while true; do /usr/bin/shortcuts run "CHARGE"; sleep 5; ...
johan ardell's user avatar
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Open two instances of the same PDF in Mac OS X Preview

The File > Duplicate option allows to open a copy in a new tab and then close without saving in two clicks.
fjweojfowiejf's user avatar
0 votes

What's like OSX's pbcopy for Linux

Commenting on the wes-turner answer above, since I lack the points for direct comments.... The test to determine the OS is odd; given that this is a bash script, why not simply if [[ $OSTYPE =~ darwin ...
Peter Whittaker's user avatar
0 votes

Is there a way to move the current window to another desktop without using a mouse in OS X?

Hold the window's title bar, and drag it to the edge of the screen. Wait a sec, and it will move the the next desktop.
mousomer's user avatar
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Synergy Key Mapping

I have a similar but reverse setup, in case anyone finds this helpful for reference. Server: Mac with USB mac keyboard. Modifier keys on the mac are set to treat Command/⌘ as Ctrl and Ctrl as Command/...
Navix's user avatar
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1 vote

How do I resize an APFS Volume to reclaim all space inside its container?

I realize this is an old thread, but I recently upgraded the original 256GB SSD on my early 2013 MacBook Pro 15” Retina (running Catalina natively) to a 1TB SSD using Clonezilla and I initially had ...
Tarnold1968's user avatar
-3 votes

How to have 5 different always-on-top notes, one on each screen?

To achieve this functionality on macOS, you have a few options, including using dedicated note-taking applications, floating widgets, or combination of tools. Here's a step-by-step guide using some of ...
Thasleem Saleem's user avatar
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Mac does not handle multiple Bluetooth peripherals properly

I'm experiencing a similar issue. I have three devices paired simultaneously: a Logitech Crown keyboard, an MX Master 2, and OnePlus wireless Bluetooth earbuds. Most of the time, they work smoothly, ...
Shailendra Sharma's user avatar
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How do I change the default location for nushell configration files

Nushell now supports using the XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable to specify the location for config files. The variable must be set before Nushell is launched. I'm not a macOS user, so I hope my ...
NotTheDr01ds's user avatar
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Disabling or Limiting Tor Functionality in Brave Browser on macOS

You can modify a group policy setting to disable Tor in Brave. It's simpler to do it directly in the registry. Navigate to this path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Policies\...
Garrulinae's user avatar
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Mac OS X 10.6.5 Right Click at cursor position

I see that @Peter N Lewis's answer from 2011, it's not possible, has already been marked as the accepted solution. A suggestion was posted to the Keyboard Maestro Forum (https://forum.keyboardmaestro....
August's user avatar
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2 votes

The proper way to limit framerate when recording screen on macOS

From the log, it is apparent that initially not enough frames are received for ffmpeg to detect input framerate. That's ok, you can just use pass through input frames without any adjustment. ffmpeg -f ...
Gyan's user avatar
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zsh alias still exists after deletion [MACOS]

Ok, so the thing is - I also used oh-my-zsh - and it seems that the alias was simply present in one of its custom setup scripts called .oh-my-zsh/custom/aliases.zsh. So I removed it from there, ...
Nazar Demchuk's user avatar
1 vote

Synronize caps-lock between OSX and Windows via RDC client

Try shift capslock, I figured it out because I reprogrammed my reg caps lock to right click but whenever I had to use caps lock shift caps also worked. Then I saw some RDP issues for Mac and tried ...
Mertyman's user avatar
-1 votes

Is it possible to have the task switcher (cmd + tab) show on all monitors, but only show the apps specific to each monitor?

The built-in MacOS Task Switcher does not offer this function. Looking through available alternative products, one seems to indicate it does offer this per-window application list function you're ...
music2myear's user avatar
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OSX: create keyboard shortcut for a unicode character

In continuation to SpinUp__A Davis's answer you can also use (in the same ~/Library/KeyBindings/ location and using DefaultKeyBinding.dict as file name) the recommended dictionary format using xml ...
yehsuf's user avatar
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How do I remove the EFI Partition on my USB using Mac OS X 10.11?

Facing the same problem when try to load a USB-C disk on iPhone 15. Deleting the ExEFI EFI partiton doesn't work. Same result formatting the disk in various method, with combination of GPT and MBR ...
iodurocarburo's user avatar
0 votes

Exclude folders by regex (?) from time machine backup

Running sudo find `pwd` -type d -maxdepth 5 -name 'node_modules' | xargs -n 1 tmutil addexclusion I received the following error: /node_modules: Error (-43) while attempting to change exclusion ...
Marv Freed's user avatar
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Disable autocorrect in macOS Notes app

For me to disable “Correct Spelling Automatically” in all text fields, in all apps, and to prevent it re-enabling, I had to dig into System Preferences—er, Settings, as it was recently renamed. System ...
2540625's user avatar
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How do I turn off caffeinate if I want to allow my machine to sleep normally?

Use pmset -g assertions to see if it's running. Then killall caffeinate to get rid of it. Despite documentation saying that caffeinate should exit upon exiting terminal and even Ctr+C should kill it, ...
Samyer's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a way to get my old Mac to run its old software faster?

I have a macbook pro 2012 and it was painfully slow. Since replacing its HDD with a SSD it has become much faster. I don'r just mean booting time but in every thing. Replace you HDD with a SSD and ...
Kazi Farhan's user avatar
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How to stop OS X from switching input method (keyboard layout) automatically?

I'm on Sonoma and this is driving me up a wall. The only fix that worked for me is to copy the kb layout in /Library/Keyboard Layouts. Reboot, then select the layout in Language settings. To make the ...
tyoungjr's user avatar
1 vote

Are there any keyboard shortcuts to minimize or maximize a window in macOS?

Keyboard Shortcut for full-screen: Hold Command (Cmd) and Control (Ctrl) then press F
Positive Navid's user avatar
0 votes

How to open a PWA on macOS without opening the browser?

Yes, you can and it's effortless. just open Chrome Browser and install the PWA application. After installing quit from the PWA app and then quit from Chrome. now if you open the PWA app chrome will ...
Kasra Karami's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to see MacOS's sshd process in the output of ps?

macOS doesn't leave sshd running all the time. Instead, there is a launchd job for sshd, defined in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist. That means that launchd itself listens for connections on ...
Spiff's user avatar
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Convert batch of Word files to PDFs in Mac OS X

If you have access to Adobe Acrobat Pro, you can hit the "+ Create" button on the top left, select Create multiple PDF files and click Next Drag and drop your .docx-files into the window (...
Christoph's user avatar
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macOS Documents size bug

I had faced similar issues, I used cleanMyMac space lens tool to understand what is taking space and user terminal and good old finder to erase the trace files. the free trial is useful to understand ...
Patric Phoneix's user avatar
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Is there a way to move the current window to another desktop without using a mouse in OS X?

This is how I managed to do this on Sonoma 14.5. First, you need to set a specific shortcut for all applications manually as I explain below: Go to "System Settings -> Keyboard -> Keyboard ...
MjCo's user avatar
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Mac OS Sonoma can't access Windows DNS server

I did a bit more digging and saw some Active Directory errors related to sync and DNS wouldn't serve because of it. Once I corrected those, all DNS operations were good. I suspect the Windows machine ...
Jguy's user avatar
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Remove build in Apache httpd on macOS (OSX)

On my MacOS 14.4 the command-line to stop the internal Apache is: sudo launchctl bootout system/org.apache.httpd
lynx_74's user avatar
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How to mount a NTFS read/write volume on Mac OS encrypted by Veracrypt?

I hit the same issue and was also not able to find a solution, however I found a way (tested on macOS Sonoma): in Veracrypt select device, click 'Mount', put password, then click 'Options >' and ...
Michal's user avatar
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Time Machine backup, get last backup time using command line, without having to plug any backup disc and with no Full Disk Access?

I ran into a similar problem, the command I used is: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Print Destinations:0:SnapshotDates" /Library/Preferences/ | tail -n 2 | head -n 1 |...
Floris-Jan Willemsen's user avatar

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