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Add backslash if a string doesn't have it

You can also use the following to append a backslash (\) to the end of a path: Set "solutionDir=C:\Test\" If Not "%solutionDir:~-1%"=="\" Set "solutionDir=%...
Safwan's user avatar
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Can audio go to both the speakers and a bluetooth headset simultaneously

After following the Stereo Mix settings steps my laptop speakers still would not play at the same time as my bluetooth speaker - always only one or the other but never BOTH at the same time. Turns out ...
Edmonchuck OWL's user avatar
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Can I delete Windows 7 on a hard drive and keep my stuff and then access it on a new Windows 7 on an ssd?

To make sure there is no confusion I recommend disconnecting the hard drive and connecting the new SSD to the first SATA port. Then after doing the new install of Windows attatch the hard drive to a ...
astrologerrishi's user avatar
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Windows 7 command promt number of buffers and buffer size

UPDATED: I found the answer while pondering over Eryk Sun's comment (my emphasis): The console's line editor stores input history in a circular buffer, one per attached process (e.g. if you run ...
Lumi's user avatar
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What is happening with my mouse?

The real answer I found out is that it is not my laptop failing or a virus or something, but the hardware of my mouse is causing the problem. I borrowed my friend's mouse, and it was okay. The reason ...
ItsMinhh's user avatar
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Chrome not working on a remote desktop connection

Another common cause for this (Chrome not opening on a RDP session) is that another remote session is logged into the server at the same time (with the account you're using). It could even be you, or ...
charlie arehart's user avatar
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Asus Xonar D1 looses sound on one of the channels

If anyone gets this problem. Install alternative drivers: MaxedTech UniXonar. It has solved the problem in my case (Windows 10 v.22H2).
Kiciulek's user avatar
1 vote

Executable should automatically start with realtime priority on Windows

Create a batch file next to the executable, and put this inside it: @start /realtime your-program.exe And then always invoke the executable using that batch file. For reference: https://learn....
k314159's user avatar
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How to fix AHK to send keys to RDP fullscreen?

For those that don't like timer based solutions: utilize that there's an artificial vkFF keystroke that is sent when the RDP client becomes active (don't ask me why/how/what it means). I react to this ...
D.S's user avatar
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How to uninstall Google Translate toolbar in Firefox

Maybe this might work for you:
tirenweb's user avatar
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How can I combine two Excel formulas into one?

To combine two Excel formulas into one, you need to ensure that each condition is evaluated correctly and integrated logically. For example, if you have two COUNTIFS formulas that you want to combine ...
BBAADD GAMERS's user avatar
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Youtube video only play for 50 seconds to a minute and a half

In my case it was freezing in FireFox because NoScript was disabling Allowing that resolved it. I have no idea what it is doing, but little doubt it is monitoring something. ...
trindflo's user avatar
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How do you file a bug report for Windows?

Indeed, some official methods do exist: Feedback Portal Those without access to a Windows 10 or 11 installation can use, where they can select the "Windows 365 Cloud ...
RokeJulianLockhart's user avatar
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How to stop windows resizing when the monitor display channel is turned off / switched to different source

I just wanted to share my Answer to this problem. I use an OLED Samsung TV as my Main Monitor, and was having a very similar issue to the OP, where if I only had the Display connected, and it was my ...
MattTheTechLV's user avatar
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How to delete files from a folder using a list of file names in windows?

"for /f", as shown in many posts above and/or using a batch (.bat) script of any kind, are the best methods for large file deletion processing, however, if you have a smaller list (or you ...
Matt's user avatar
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Synergy lags extremely hard

I had the issue running Synergy 3 on Windows 11 and it was especially bad when it was pulling emails on a client. The mouse would lock up for 20-30 seconds at a time, and end up back on the server ...
Robb Sadler's user avatar
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Gedit 2.3 plugins on Windows 7

for me when using Gedit 3.20.1 version for Windows pasting plugins into this folder doesn't work, they don't appear in preferences C:\Program Files\gedit\share\gedit\plugins also there were no folders ...
pangratt12345's user avatar
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Robocopy will not copy files involving any external drives

You can't use backslash at the end of source or destination for example "g:\" instead use "g:", robocopy doesn't support backslash at end of path. I also think it is not a good ...
Ricardo Bohner's user avatar
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Not able to access FTP server from other machines in same LAN when Windows Firewall is ON

I just set FileZilla Server EXE-file into a list of 'Apps Allowed to communicate through Windows Defender Firewall' and restarted FileZilla Server and Service. Detailed instructions: Go to 'Control ...
Ivan Semikin's user avatar

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