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Questions tagged [table-of-contents]

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15 votes
1 answer

Turning off "Update page numbers only" in Word

When I update the fields document-wide (Ctrl + A, then F9) in a Word document that has a table of contents, a dialog appears asking if I want to update page numbers only, or update the entire table. I ...
phenry's user avatar
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14 votes
6 answers

How can the Table of Contents in a PDF file be edited?

How can I edit the Table of Contents of a PDF file on Linux? I tried pdfedit but I can't find where the content table list is stored.
fakedrake's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Formatting page numbers in Table of Contents to include text

In Word 2010 I want text (eg. VIS - 1, VIS - 2, VIS - 3, etc.) to show in front of the page number in the Table of Contents. I prefer to include the text (e.g. VIS) in the footer in front of the page ...
Kathy's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

table of contents in Word not fitting page

I've created a table of contents but it goes out of the right margin, and the lines between the heading and number continue off so that you can't actually see the page number. I've tried shrinking ...
Vinni's user avatar
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MS Office Table of figures Change link base

I got a document for updating in my work. In this document we have 'Table of Figures' at the beginning of document which provides link to all figures in document. It works correctly when I check here ...
999k's user avatar
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1 vote
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How can I hide part of a caption in the document but show it in the contents?

I have the inverse problem to this user. I have a lot of figures that have the same caption. This makes the figure contents table look pretty repetitive and uninformative, like this: Image of the ...
TheCatsTail's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I apply multilevel numbering only to some headings in MS Word and not all headings of a level?

I would like to apply multilevel numbering of headings in Microsoft Word, but only for some of the headings of Level 1, but not for all of the headings. At the moment I defined the headings as level 1 ...
AJZ203's user avatar
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Word : square blocks in front of text (TOC ?)

These square blocks appeared in front of my text in Word, but when I print of PDF, they do not show up. That's good, I don't want them, but why are they there? Is it a preview thing? Can I turn it off?...
Vanessa's user avatar
0 votes
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Automate script | Rename a defined list of filename by a defined list of word powershell

All my code: #read list filenames + filter# $listname = Get-ChildItem 'Y:\Users\H\Documents\D\Game Of Throne' -Filter *.bmp #Read list file txt# $line = Get-Content 'Y:\Users\H\...
Hamdoun's user avatar
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