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Questions tagged [table-of-contents]

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0 votes
3 answers

MS Word Table of Contents Covers Header/Footer

I'm using Word 2010. I created a Table of Contents by going to References > Table of Contents > Automatic Table 1. When I do that, instead of having the table of contents fitting nicely between the ...
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1 answer

How to do insert (figure) caption in microsoft word so it can go from Fig 1.1, 1.2, to 3.1, 3.2?

I have followed this and other instruction to learn about how to tag the figure titles in a Word document, for the purpose of making a table of figures at the end. I can do it if all the figures are ...
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0 answers

Show page number formatting in TOC

I've searched...not sure there is a way to do this. -I have a doc set up with a multi-level list and headings - works and looks great. -I have formatted my page numbers to include the chapter number ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to get text in table of contents aligned after numbers?

Is it possible to get a table of contents in Microsoft Word with an alignment like this picture? If so, how? (In the picture the alignment is not perfect because I did it by hand, inserting spaces ...
0 votes
1 answer

Formatting page number for appendices MS Word

I'm trying to number my appendices with a letter and page number, so for example, A1-A16 for Appendix A, and then B1-B5 for Appendix B and so on. I also want these values to be reflected in my table ...
0 votes
1 answer

Word : square blocks in front of text (TOC ?)

These square blocks appeared in front of my text in Word, but when I print of PDF, they do not show up. That's good, I don't want them, but why are they there? Is it a preview thing? Can I turn it off?...
0 votes
2 answers

How to automatically add a period in table of contents that is not there in the chapter heading in MSWord

I create chapter heading using the Heading1 style with a soft return between the chapter designation and the chapter title as shown: I then add a toc somewhere else in the document and it looks like: ...
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1 answer

MS Word - How to make different caption style for the table captions in Appendix and main body?

I am trying to create a document where I have different headings and captions for the main body and the appendices. I have created the headings, where I have Chapter 1 and Appendix A (I did this ...
14 votes
6 answers

How can the Table of Contents in a PDF file be edited?

How can I edit the Table of Contents of a PDF file on Linux? I tried pdfedit but I can't find where the content table list is stored.
0 votes
1 answer

Removing heading level from table of contents

I have 3 levels of headings in my document (1 - Heading, 1.1 Heading, 1.1.1 Heading) I want to only show the upper 2 levels (1 & 1.1) in my table of contents - is there a way to remove the 1.1.1 ...
1 vote
1 answer

Microsoft Word: Does the heading style from a table appear in the table of contents/document map of a document?

My question is simple: I have a text. I apply the heading 1 style to it and the text appear in a table of contents/document map. Lets say, that text I want to put it in heading row of a simple table ...
2 votes
1 answer

Sorting a Wikipedia table by numerical value in a text document?

I've been working on a 3474 line table. Getting the information was easy, capturing the needed information from public online sources. But I came across a problem. The table is by default sorted ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to update the heading Levels for Table Of Contents in Word Online?

I am able to modify table of content using Desktop Word application installed locally. Id don't see the same option in Word online (OneDrive). Is there a way this can be done using Word online?
1 vote
1 answer

I can't delete a Table of Contents in Word for Mac. The remove does delete the table, but it keeps returning. I need to make a new TOC

I have a long document with a TOC. After editing the document several times, I want to create a new table of contents. I have removed the old one several times, to no avail. The old TOC returns each ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can be column incluted into rows?

There is the table in MS Excel or LO Calc. How can be it converted to this view of the table? The transformation using links (within the same table) to the initial version is allowed.

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