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How to use FFMPEG to stack two equirectangular images to top/bottom format?

This command line does what I need, but it is a little tricky... ffmpeg -i left.jpg -i right.jpg -filter_complex "[0]scale=iw:ih*2[grande],[grande][0]overlay=x=0:y=0[base],[base][1]overlay=x=0:y=...
jumpjack's user avatar
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Converting image sequence to stereo H.264 video

I have an image sequence of JPG files exported from Blender. I would like to create a stereo side-by-side (left/right) H.264 video using ffmpeg using libx264. My image sequence is as follows: ...
glenneroo's user avatar
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Convert interleaved video into separate left/right videos

I'm trying to make two files from video recorded on 3d camera and can't find how can I separate one video onto two. ffprobe video.m2ts gives me Input #0, mpegts, from 'video.m2ts': Duration: 00:00:...
ink's user avatar
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