This command line does what I need, but it is a little tricky...

ffmpeg -i left.jpg -i right.jpg -filter_complex "[0]scale=iw:ih*2[grande],[grande][0]overlay=x=0:y=0[base],[base][1]overlay=x=0:y=h" -y top-bottom.jpg

 - -i left.jpg          Left image
 - -i right.jpg         Right image
 - -filter_complex 
 - "[0]scale=iw:ih*2[grande],
      enlarge vertically image 1 to double its height, and create stream "grande" 
      (i.e. just create a base image twice high the input image)
 - [grande][0]overlay=x=0:y=0[base],
      Overlay image 1 to stream "grande", i.e. put left image in upper part of main image; 
      the results goes into "base" stream
 - [base][1]overlay=x=0:y=h"
      Overlay image 2 to bottom part of "base" stream, which already contains upper (left) image

Does it exist a more straightforward method? I see they exists "in_stereo" and "out_stereo" options, with "2d" and "tb" (Top-Bottom) options, but I don't understand if they are what I need, and I can't find any documentation.

Sample images:


top left


bottom right


1 Answer 1


This line:

ffmpeg -i left.jpg -i right.jpg -filter_complex "[0]scale=iw:ih*2[grande],[grande][0]overlay=x=0:y=0[base],[base][1]overlay=x=0:y=h" -y top-bottom.jpg

Can be simplified in:

ffmpeg -i left.jpg -i right.jpg -filter_complex vstack=inputs=2 -y top-bottom.jpg

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