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Questions tagged [python]

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Can't install Mercurial on Mac OS X 10.5.8

When selecting the volume in the installation program it says "You cannot install Merucrial on this volume. Mercurial requires Apple Python 2.6". I tried installing the latest version of Python from ...
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Python easy_install confused on Mac OS X

Environment info: $ which python /usr/bin/python $ python Python 2.6.1 (r261:67515, Jul 7 2009, 23:51:51) [GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5646)] on darwin $ echo $PATH /opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/...
slf's user avatar
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Customized Grid in wxPython? [closed]

How can I implement the grid(black border) in the following image in wxPython?
MA1's user avatar
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nmap 5.21 and Python problems

What does this mean and how can I fix it? root@bt:~# rpm -vhU Retrieving error: Failed dependencies: /usr/bin/...
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installing OpenCV 2.0 on Ubuntu Karmic: still get ImportError from "import cv" in Python

I have tried compiling and installing from the 2.0.0 release source, the SVN head, and from a PPA. After each, I still get the following from a Python console: >>> import cv Traceback (most ...
kostmo's user avatar
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How to install Lapack and atlas on ubuntu intrepid?

I have installed Ubuntu 8.10. I am using python 2.6.4. I want to install the following package along with its dependencies. scipy 0.7.1 I am getting some error related to ATLAS. How do I install ...
Bruce's user avatar
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Blender + Google Sketchup 7

I have been trying to import a model from Google Sketchup 7 into Blender 2.49. I have read countless tutorials on how to export it using the Sketchup program into various formats, but these are not ...
amphetamachine's user avatar
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How do I prevent rpmbuild form injecting requirements into RPM package?

I'm creating an RPM package from native Python 2.5 one. Out corporate policy is to use python2.4 by default, so I'm adding a string Requires: python25 to a .spec file. When I look at created RPM ...
Basilevs's user avatar
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How can I prevent the python.el that ships with Emacs 23 from EVER loading?

I use python-mode.el instead of python.el for python work, and all of my customizations depend on it. However, periodically for some reason the python.el that ships with Emacs23 will magically get ...
Chris R's user avatar
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install pymedia and python audio tools

I noticed a pattern of errors while trying to install PyMedia and Python Audio Tools. For both modules I run the following: $ python install Then I get a series of compilation errors, and ...
aaron's user avatar
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Create a video file from PGM files

Is it possible to create a video file (playable in VLC) from a collection of pgm files. I would like to do this in Python.
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How do I install networkx 1.0 on windows?

I have the networkx 1.0 zip file. How do I install it on windows?
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How to install Deluge on Centos?

I have a problem with installing & running Deluge torrent on my Centos 5 (x86) . I get it from this: _
NARKOZ's user avatar
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python-imaging and libjpeg on FreeBSD

I had a problem with image uploading to Django with FreeBSD, so I asked on SO: and got an answer. Our admin can't install ...
valya's user avatar
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When a Python process is killed on OS X, why doesn't it kill the child processes?

I found myself getting very confused a while back by some changes that I found when moving Python scripts from Linux over to OS X... On Linux, if a Python script has called os.system(), and the ...
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