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Questions tagged [ps]

ps is a Unix operating system command and the like used to display the running processes.

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ps command is stuck forever reading `/proc/*/environ`

I'm trying to use Rustrover, but it is pretty unstable, and whenever it crashes or is stuck and killed by me, ps command and any other task managers get stuck forever before showing anything. ...
Dekakaruk's user avatar
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Change ps -eo Separator but Retain Spaces in cmd Column

I have the following command that gathers a specific set of commands and narrows down the fields; ps -eo euser,pid,start_time,etimes,cmd | grep -e "magento" | grep -v grep And this is what ...
Marisa's user avatar
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RHEL + kill -9 not really killing the process

We have around 85 running process with lshw Since these process increased the CPU load average , We tryed to kill them with kill -9 but without success root 3275 0.0 0.0 131720 8992 ? D ...
King David's user avatar
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Differences between STOPPED in top command and STOPPED in ps

I have a running script in a docker container. After a while, I found that the processes seemed to be in stuck when I used ps -ef command, since the TIME field for those processes were stuck in a ...
Monstery's user avatar
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How to check if a command is running currently? [duplicate]

I want to check if a command is running with the following if clause, but it's always true, whether command actually is running or not: if [ $"(ps aux | grep curl)" ]; then echo is; else ...
Saeed's user avatar
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Is it possible to get `ps` to render thread names in wide mode?

I am using the following version of PS inside a container: bash-4.2$ ps --version ps from procps-ng 3.3.15 The command ps -eL shows the thread names, but they are truncated: 3972 12684 ? 00:...
merlin2011's user avatar
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List process details

How can I list process details for a specific process? I know about commands like ps -ef but they all truncate the details to fit into fixed column widths. For example, in one listing I can see that ...
k314159's user avatar
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How can I correctly retrieve the PID of a process related to Java using ps aux? and how can I put the headr containing the output column name?

I am not a system administrator (I am a software developer) and I have the following doubt. Performing this command I can see the list of the first 10 process running on my system (correct me if I am ...
AndreaNobili's user avatar
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How to kill a process on ubuntu that won't die?

I am trying to kill this process that seems to be stuck in a loop: > ps auxww | grep -E '^USER|bash' USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND ubuntu 61505 99.7 ...
balupton's user avatar
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How to decrease the length of the output of "ps -ef" command? It is showing full output with unlimited length

When running ps -ef command on our new solaris server the command outputs the full arguments of the processes including passwords and usernames. It seems the length of characters it is showing is ...
Harold Ortiz's user avatar
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linux ps command to list number of running processes in super user root

I am looking for. a command that I can list the number of running processes by superuser root and pipe it to wc -l i already did ps -ef | grep ^$USER wc -l however that only shows for the current user
barrlinux's user avatar
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99 % CPU taken up by “ps”

I have an EC2 t2.micro (Linux AMI) instance. Since a few days I noticed that RAM is being 99% used by "ps" . When that happens : $ free -m total used free ...
user14013917's user avatar
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Need to match running processes in egrep

I need to find all running processes whose owner is neither root nor Student. I know how to not get running processes whose owner is neither root nor Student by type ps aux | egrep '^[^(root)|(Student)...
Rikki's user avatar
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Why is value of CMD for PID 1 different depending on the flags passed to ps?

ps -ef | grep -E 'PID|init' and ps -p 1 report different strings for the CMD column of ps output. Why is one systemd and the other /sbin/init? I would have expected to just see /sbin/init. I'm running ...
screeb's user avatar
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Discrepancies between "ps -f" and "ps"

We are running Red hat Enterprise 7.7 (Maipo) and for a specific oracle process I'm getting two different values under "CMD" column. See below examples: ps -p [process_id] 109401 ? 00:09:57 ...
Miguel Lara's user avatar

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