at the moment I got very much spam mails. All of them are polish and have a spamscore of more then 5.5.

So I thought yeah easys just adjust spamassasin in my plesk panel to 5 and the spam is filtered.

But no.... all the mails come through. I think spamassasin is not working. But its enabled and the system setting is set to 4 and the setting for the mailadress as well.

what can I do to prevent the spam ...


1 Answer 1


This can happen if SpamAssasin is not enabled for mailbox/domain/server. So service itself can be running, but it does not remove of flag the spam.

First make sure that SpamAssasin is running:
Open Plesk > Tools & Settings > Services Management

Next check that it is enabled for mailbox:
Subscriptions > example.com > Mail > [email protected] > Switch on spam filtering for this email address

Or globally in Plesk > Tools & Settings > Mail Server settings

Also you can test it by sending a message containing the following string of characters in message body (in upper case and with no spaces or line breaks):


Check the /var/log/maillog for lines like:

Dec 3 20:52:48 pleskserver spamd[1107]: spamd: identified spam (1000.0/7.0) for [email protected]:110 in 6.1 seconds, 3926 bytes.

These lines show that spam was detected.

Reference article.


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