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Questions tagged [mysql]

MySQL is an Open Source database now owned by Oracle. The MySQL documentation is expansive and incredibly useful.

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.mysql_history: how to persist it with the official MariaDB Docker image?

How does it work the MariaDB .mysql_history file from the official MariaDB Docker image? It's not really something I want in production. But it might be handy in a developer setup. Also, although it ...
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1 answer

MAMP set up under the administrator account does not start servers under user account

I set up MAMP under an administrator account on this Mac OS 10.6.6. That works fine. The Apache and MySQL server start and php works. When I log on to a user account with administrator privileges ...
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Temp folder unusable

I had mysql-server installed, wordpress was working fine then I tried to install cyberpanel which failed installing mariadb So I manually tried to install mariadb to know why it failed, it failed ...
1 vote
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Fully resetting MySQL

I've just spun up a CentOS 6 server. I installed mysql on it yum install mysql-server And after I started the MySQL service it spat out on STDOUT a bunch of stuff about the necessity of changing the ...
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Initializing database using mysql-operator

I have a rather complex application, with several applicative components and a MySQL database. I am using kubernetes and Helm manage it. I would like to clusterize the database using mysql-operator, ...
4 votes
1 answer

MySQL Workbench * could not be fetched

I set up a MySQL Server on a Ubuntu machine. I added a user A with only access to one Database 'B'. If I log in with it in MySQL Workbench, it shows me: Tables could not be fetched Views could not ...
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Combining Tables in MySQL [migrated]

I am in need of some help I have a Database that hold product records as well as sale location data and I need to have a data set returned with data from different tables So far I have tried the ...
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mysql - show all users/hosts with privileges to access a certain database [migrated]

Is there a way to list all users/hosts that have been granted access to a database? I know I can do this: > show grants for someuser; +---------------------------------------------------------------...
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there's packet loss in my .pcap file and i want to find the cause for it [closed]

[enter image description here][1]
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1 answer

Import a local SQL File To a Remote Server Using SSH Tunnel

I have a connection between my localhost and a remote server using putty SSH tunnel. Thats fine. Now I need a command to get the sql file on my local machine i.e. c:\folder\test.sql and import it ...
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1 answer

MySql error: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

I am trying to retrieve my data from MySQL to be used in python. But it prints out TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable The server log shows that Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (...
1 vote
0 answers

systemd: ensure, service is started after mysql

I have a systemd path unit, which watches a config file to apply db changes if the config file changes. To ensure the path unit runs after mysql, I added these lines: Wants=mysqld.service After=mysqld....
2 votes
1 answer

Cannot install mariadb-server on Debian "There is a MariaDB/MySQL server running" (because of Akonadi?)

Preamble, I've done some research and as usual we have a cornucopia of similar questions but not exactly covering the described title:
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1 answer

Can't start mariadb service with brew in mac

I am trying to start mariaDB in mac with brew services. I run brew services stop --all jenkins-lts none mariadb none memcached none mysql none [email protected] ...
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2 answers

Where to retrieve MySQL Database Backup? Centos 6

Had taken a look at: Where Are Databases Located - MySQL File Location Didn't seem to help much. I used this for a single MySQLDatabase backup:
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1 answer

"Could not create unix socket lock file" with MySQL 5.7.10 on OS X 10.11.2

I've been trying to install MySQL 5.7 on OS X El Capitan using Homebrew, however when it came to getting the server up and running, I cannot seem to get a lock file created. When I run mysqld_safe, ...
12 votes
6 answers

How do I start a MySQL server on Windows?

I've installed a MySQL server onto my computer and when I first installed it, it ran automatically. Now I've restarted my computer it is no longer running. What file do I need to run to get it back up ...
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3 answers

MySQL 8.0.16 Community Edition install stopping at "Starting the Server" step on Windows

I am attempting to install MySQL 8.0.16 Community Server on Windows 10. I keep getting to the "Apply Configuration" step, I hit 'Execute", and then I get to the "Starting the Server" step and it ...
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1 answer

MySQL: Converting Row to Columns Based on Field Values

I am using MySQL Workbench 8.0. I will break my question into two parts as I believe the first part will be straightforward (but is slightly beyond my current SQL knowledge level) but the second part ...
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3 answers

Move mysql databases to external drive on MAC OS (dealing with the absence of my.conf file)

I saw some solutions related to this problem but I think it still makes sense to ask since nobody mentioned how this can be done in the absence of my.conf file in mysql default installation on MAC OS ...
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3 answers

MariaDB --tc-heuristic-recover in Docker container

I have a MariaDB database in a docker container for my home automation (homeassistant). For some reason it stopped working and I get this error in the docker system logs: 221001 12:27:03 mysqld_safe ...
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1 answer

keep getting mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1045): Access denied for user 'testing'@'localhost' (using password: YES) for non-root users

I have a linux web server as a part of a college course (i.e, all of my applications and setting are done according to my teacher instructions, and I get the needed files from his ftp server). I'm ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to Import MySQL 4.1.14 data into MySQL 5.7.44?

I have a fresh install of WordPress 6.5.3 on MySQL 5.7.44-1.el7 up and running via Docker, accessible via my web browser. I also have old data from WordPress 2.0.2 on MySQL 4.1.14 saved into a ...
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3 answers

phpMyAdmin cannot login - keeps asking for credentials

I have phpmyadmin on my Arch linux box, it is running, so is apache with php and mysql. When I go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/, it shows the usual login prompt. However, no matter what I enter, ...
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0 answers

I am experiencing ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock'

I am using MAC apple silicon, on Sonama 14.4.1 I came across this error while following a tutorial installing MySQL server. I searched around for solutions but none of them seem to work. I get this ...
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2 answers

mysql: ERROR 1524 (HY000): Plugin 'mysql-native-password' is not loaded

I just installed a fresh install of mysql-server-5.7 no linux mint 19.1. I wasn't prompted to set a root password during the installation and so whenever I tried to use mysql via the mysql -u root -p ...
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1 answer

Can't connect MySql to, only to localhost

I have a portable version of a MySQL database that I'm trying to connect to. On a computer running on Windows 10, I can connect to it using at port 3310. If I copy that instance to any ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to connect to MySQL on WSL Ubuntu from the Windows host?

I am trying to connect to the MySQL server on my WSL2 Ubuntu 24.04. I created a user in the following way inside Ubuntu: CREATE USER 'myuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY '...
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0 answers

Why does WSL recognize the host as <PC_NAME>

I was having trouble connecting to my Ubuntu OS running in WSL2 But then when I changed the bind-address of the config file at /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf to instead of Then ...
4 votes
1 answer

Initial administrator log in to horde

I have installed horde webmail on my debian wheezy machine using the jessie packages and this guide: I have set up a database skeleton in mysql - just created a horde ...
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2 answers

Permissions error in directories used by Docker and application I am developing

I have run a docker container mysql from my own application development on C#, and configured data persistence to this path: C:\ProgramData\Persistence\data\mysql When i start everything goes well ...
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1 answer

Waiting for a MySQL or MariaDB server to become ready to perform updates

Is there an universal command/query to issue at the mysql client program to wait for the server to become ready for processing queries and updates, independent of whether the server is MySQL or ...
1 vote
2 answers

SSH Connection is established on port 22, but service is not working

I am having this recurrent issue on one of my MySQL Cluster Servers, actually always happens in any random MySQL server of this cluster, on many countries where we have this same configuration. I ...
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1 answer

Failed to start MySQL Community Server After Updating to Ubuntu 22.04.2

I have updated my Ubuntu server on DigitalOcean to version 22.04.2. Now I can't log in to the phpMyAdmin ( also my Flask website can't connect to the MYSQL ). When trying to login to the phpMyAdmin ...
2 votes
1 answer

SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT prev to external MySQL user

I'm trying to create an MySQL slave, but I'm not able to grant SUPER,REPLICATION CLIENT to the external powerdns user. I'm using phpMyAdmin and granted ALL PRIVILEGES to the powerdns user, but it ...
4 votes
3 answers

How to tune MySQL for restoration from MySQL dump?

My little 5GB database which takes 5 minutes to dump via mysqldump, takes 9 hours to restore. Luckily I found this out during a test-run, not an actual emergency situation. What are the best ...
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1 answer

How can I reset my MySQL root password in MySQL 8.0.36 on Red Hat 8 if ‘mysqld_safe’ is gone?

For years I have been using mysqld_safe (like this) with --skip-grant-tables so I can safely reset my MySQL root password: sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables & But recently, while attempting ...
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2 answers

MySQL Shell SyntaxError: Unexpected Identifier

I'm trying to follow this guide: Connect to the MySQL server using the mysql command-line client with the following command: ...
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2 answers

Services don't have MySQL Server. How to run it?

I need to run MySQL Server on a new for me laptop. There's Windows 7. And MySQL have been installed on it. In order to verify this, I opened the Programs and Features window and saw it there: But ...
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0 answers

MySQL Server flashes on and off on mac. How to fix?

I just downloaded the macOS 10.15 (x86, 64-bit), DMG Archive version of MySQL following But the server just flashes green for a second and then back to red when I ...
4 votes
1 answer

Hive Installation - Error Executing SQL Query "select "DB_ID" from "DBS""

I'm trying to install Apache Hive (3.1.1) on a Hadoop (3.2.0) multi-node cluster with 1 namenode and 3 data nodes. I have followed the getting started tutorial step-by-step on the apache website but ...
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1 answer

How do I determine what's making the web server so slow (Apache)

I'm running Apache 2.4 (64bit) on a Windows server. It also uses MySQL 5.7 on the same server. It has been very, very slow recently to come up, but when I look at the access logs, there are very few ...
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0 answers

MariaDB - database folder changed?

I have MariaDB installed via Homebrew on MacOS. I have local databases in /usr/local/var/mysql but a day or two ago, my local MariaDB now points to /opt/homebrew/var/mysql and does not find any of my ...
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1 answer

'The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory' Windows 10

I am trying to install the MySQL connector for python but I get the error The installer has insufficient privileges to access this directory C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\...
1 vote
3 answers

Error: Characters found after SQL Statement

I am currently trying to insert a new row of information into a table, and am using the sql view inside of MS Access. When I run this code: SELECT * FROM VersionReleases; INSERT INTO ...
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1 answer

#1045 - Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

I have this error when trying to connect to my phpmyadmin. I tried all the solutions but nothing works. I changed password in and cleared cookies, restarted services of wamp but nothing. ...
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0 answers

Why my terminal throws control characters while using arrows in mysql-client?

I have a situation with remote servers (all Debians) where I get control chars into mysql-client command line when I try to search in history (CTR+R) and try to make the first move: mysql> update ...
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1 answer

Specified port 3306 is already in use when installing MySQL 5.6

When I try to install MySQL 5.6 and it tells me that the specified port 3306 is already in use. I already uninstalled my previous MySQL which is version 5.1 already and I do not have any idea to check ...
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1 answer

Why is MariaDB refusing to start?

MariaDB refused to start with this error: Can't create/write to file '/var/run/mysqld/' (Errcode: 13 "Permission denied") I think it may be a permissions error somewhere,. How ...
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1 answer

Completely remove mysql from Linux

I am trying to remove Mysql completely from my system with the command but always getting not found error [name@archserver]$ sudo pacman -R mysql error: target not found: mysql [name@archserver]$ ...

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