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Questions tagged [ext]

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Opening DD image in 7zip

For some time, i have used DD images at work to quickly transfer a linux image to a new harddrive in case the old one broke. It works great, no complains. But, i needed to get a file from the image a ...
Fiskelord's user avatar
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BIOS doesn't recognize ext3 drive

I made a bootable usb with linux mint installed onto it, I tried formatting it as ext3 and ext4 but no luck, on my laptop's bios at least. It works on my main rig, but not my laptop, yet to try any ...
oggy333's user avatar
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How to read a Mac or Linux hard drive on Windows? [duplicate]

I have a Hard Drive. But I don't remember what is there. I think is Linux File System or MacOS File System. How I can see what is on that Hard Drive using Windows or some LiveCD ?
ebas's user avatar
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debugfs does not stat filename with spaces

I'm using debugfs to stat a filename with spaces. The file exists, but I get this message (same message if I change spaces by \ or write the filename between simple quotes): $ sudo debugfs -R "stat /...
oml's user avatar
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why is my kernel/grub/fstab mounting my partition as EXT2 when its EXT4?

so i am confused i recentl did full upgrade and since then i am unable to properly automatically mount my / partition yet /home partition mounts succsefully here is some info before we start, this is ...
Picarica's user avatar
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How do filesystems support "legacy" style booting?

I am in the process of writing a simple OS bootloader (first booting in legacy mode). After understanding the boot process (MBR loading the VBR, etc) I began looking into the specifications for ...
sherrellbc's user avatar
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Is it safe to convert NTFS to ext2 with anyconvertfs?

I want to convert an NTFS filesystem (never used with Windows, and no use of any special features - just a bunch of files. Not even any hard links / symlinks / etc.) to ext2. I know it's possible to ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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how to delete the partition after mkfs

we created the ext file system on new sdd disk as the follwing mkfs.ext4 -j -m 0 /dev/sdd -F in order to get the disk as was before mkfs I guess we need to delete the partition that created by ...
enodmilvado's user avatar
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Opposite of the `mkfs.ext4` command [duplicate]

is it possible to reverse after make mkfs.ext4 ? mkfs.ext4 -j -m 0 /dev/sdb -F for example we create file system on new device - sdb ( no any data on sdb ) mkfs.ext4 -j -m 0 /dev/sdb -F now we ...
yair's user avatar
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Is there a way to recover deleted files after removing NTFS partitions?

I have windows disk. I accidentally remove its partitions and created Linux ext3 partition. I know that there is recovery software. I don't know before using software should I delete that volume or I ...
Bogdan Bogdanov's user avatar
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How do I identify the cause of e2fsck abort

After a recent system failure several of my filesystems are broken. And even e2fsck fails to repair them. Surprisingly e2fsck lacks the so called debug or verbose mode and just writes e2fsck: ...
PF4Public's user avatar
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How do I modify an ext filesystem item given its inode number?

How do I modify a file/directory given their inode numbers? Those inodes do not appear on a mounted filesystem as traversable directories / readable files and as such are undiscoverable by find ...
PF4Public's user avatar
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When will fsck run if maximum mount count is -1?

I am trying to determine if fsck will run on reboot. I run this command dumpe2fs -h /dev/(diskname) and get this result: Mount count: 13 Maximum mount count: -1 AFAIK fsck will run ...
IMB's user avatar
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Why DD output image file is larger than the source partition/runs out of space while copying partition to a file

DD output image file is larger than the source partition and DD runs out of space on the target partition(where the image is created) despite it being larger than the source partition. I am trying ...
Michael  P's user avatar
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How can I use my Android partitions for Windows?

I have a dual-boot Android/Windows mini PC. How can I make I use the Android partitions for Windows, without breaking the Android to much? (I have external disks, but there are some things like SWAP ...
Olav's user avatar
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use windows boot to restore files permissions

Accidently, I have done sudo chown to all my files - recursively, from the root directory. so my ubuntu is no longer bootable. I'm trying to be creative, and as my computer has a dual boot windows ...
noam gaash's user avatar
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My Nas made a JBOD on 2 drives

Thank you for reading this message and helping me. Context: I recently had a NAS (DNS320L) that was faulty and I sent it back. It was a 2 bay NAS and I has a WD Green 1TB drive and a WD Red 4TB ...
James's user avatar
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Speed Comparison Hard Drive( Speficilally NTFS and EXT Linux)

How would I measure the speed of my hard drive for tons of different files? (I would like to create a chart for the NTFS and the ext file systems) I'm planning to use NTFS for my home directory so I ...
William's user avatar
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Is there a way to edit files on a Linux ext partition in Windows? [duplicate]

Many times one wants to edit files on a Linux ext partition from Windows. Is there a way to view and edit files in Linux partitions in Windows 7 or 8?
NULL's user avatar
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What does a "Copy/Cut & Paste" operation exactly consist of?

I understand the purpose of these operations. What I'd like to know is 1.What happens at the File System Level ? Does a new MFT entry for the copy get created in the destination volume's MFT and ...
Dhiwakar Ravikumar's user avatar
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How does Windows use an ext4 filesystem in a VirtualBox?

I run Windows XP in a Virtual Box on my Ubuntu 14.04 laptop. I've set the shared folder access so I can access (read and write) the files on my ext4 /home partition. However, I've often wondered ...
shortstheory's user avatar
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How to solve mounted partition error in Debian 7

I installed MATE on Debian 7 (LXDE), and encountered problems with both ntfs and ext4 partitions when I mount any partitions (ntfs, ext) using MATE file manager (Caja). I don't recall how it was with ...
Alex's user avatar
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Is there an archive flag in ext2/ext3/ext4 or how does incremental backup works in Linux?

I am wondering, does an ext2/ext3/ext4 file system (and Linux) support "archive flags". At Windows it is quite convenient to do an incremental backup because the archive flag is automatically set if a ...
user4811's user avatar
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Fixing lost symbolic link status [closed]

I have a couple of soft symbolic links that have lost their link status and have become normal files containing link TARGET_FILE_LOCATION I searched quite a bit to find a way to restore their link ...
James Mann's user avatar
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How to mount ext partitions on Windows 8 [duplicate]

I have Linux installed on my PC along with Linux (Ubuntu). How can I access files from Windows 8 which are present on the Linux's partition?
Harshil Sharma's user avatar
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Speedup SMB by changing NTFS to ext4

I'm using a RaspberryPi with SMB and an external USB HDD for storage. I have only 2MB/s upload on it (via Ethernet/WiFi). After investigating, I think NTFS on the storage drive is the bottleneck, ...
Daniel W.'s user avatar
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What are good permissions for a USB disk when security does not matter?

I have an ext4 formatted usb hard disk, I want to use to move between different computers with different users. How should I set its directories' permissions it, so that every user can r/w? What ...
Jan's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

How can I prevent Windows 8 from trying to format my external ext3-format hard disk? [duplicate]

How can I prevent Windows 8 from trying to format my external ext3-format hard disk? Every time I connect my ext3-format hard disk for the guest virtual machine(ubuntu), Windows(host) shows the ...
19 Lee's user avatar
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Is there a way to store a slash in a filename?

Is there a way to have a slash "/" in a filename? The "real" slash, not some other Unicode symbol. The file system should be FAT16/32 and Ext4.
Den's user avatar
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Making a computer with a single storage-device and bad supply of power more reliable [closed]

If you were willing to sacrifice the effective performance and capacity of a storage-device, can you get extra reliability somehow? All help appreciated. Edit: I found this wikilink: http://en....
jon's user avatar
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How to quickly rename (batch or soft) ext files for ntfs compatibility

I am running fedora and I would like a tool to automatically rename files on my ext3 fedora partition so that I can transfer files with incompatible names flawlessly. Any advice on how to proceed ? ...
B2F's user avatar
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Create ext3 partition on external drive from Windows 7

Are there free CLI tools for Windows (7) which allow me to partition and format an ext3 file system on a external USB drive from Windows natively? I am not looking for a solution with a bootable live ...
Chris's user avatar
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Can a hard drive be spinned down when using ext3 filesystem?

Recently a buddy of mine has pointed out in his blog (in Russian) that hard drives that use the ext3 filesystem can not be spun down because of the need to frequently write data. According to him, it ...
Igor Zinov'yev's user avatar
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ext3 disk space problems

I ran out of disk space the other day (quite common on this particular computer). As usual I started to delete files and directories to restore a bit of space. However this time the file system still ...
Fred Asp's user avatar
8 votes
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Hardware or Software RAID and Filesystem Type?

I'm looking to build a pretty simple RAID-5 or RAID-6 array and I'm looking into my options. The machine will be a 64bit Ubuntu Linux Server and will essentially be used as a backup/file server. I'll ...
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
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If a drive is not recognized during POST is it irreparably broken?

I'm having a bit of trouble with a HDD. I believe it's dead and I plan on RMA'ing it tomorrow, but I thought I should just check up here first to make sure there are no other options. I posted a ...
boehj's user avatar
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How to unmount ext partition in Kubuntu 10.04?

I want to install Windows 7 again on my notebook over kubuntu 10.04 that I used for few months. Issue is that ext partion where is Kubuntu is locked somehow and can't format it/ delete it with Windows ...
Balchev's user avatar
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36 votes
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How do I mount ext2/ext3 partitions in Mac OS X Snow Leopard?

Is there anything that will natively allow read/write on an ext2/3 partition within Snowie? Just don't want to get a Linux box to mount, and then access via samba. Although I could perhaps through ...
romant's user avatar
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What filesystems would Google Chrome OS work with?

When Google releases their Chrome OS, my first prerequisite would be to work with my current files. What filesystems would it work with? (have read-write access). Would it support Windows partitions? (...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar