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Questions tagged [evernote]

Note-taking service with native applications on a variety of platforms such as Windows, OS X, iOS, and Android.

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1 answer

A way to have Evernote notes indexed by the Windows Search Indexer?

As per title, I was wondering if there is a way to have the Windows Search Indexer index the Evernote database (and thus all the notes, their titles and content) so that hitting the Win key on the ...
Alessandro Ghio's user avatar
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What is Windows 10 Explorer Default font?

I want to recreate the spacing in Windows 10 Explorer in Word and Evernote to create aligned text between 2 different file names. To do this I used these characters to space words out in a pixel ...
zwei7's user avatar
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Is there a way to have Firefox automatically bookmark a URL whenever I clip it with Evernote Web Clipper?

I use Evernote as a bookmarking tool. I think it would be useful to also save bookmarks in Firefox so that when visiting a page I can easily see if I have already bookmarked it. Does anyone have a ...
Sam's user avatar
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Exporting Data from Evernote

I am trying to export data from Evernote for a fixed asset report. How can I do that? We currently have all of our equipment in evernote folders and I need to get it into some kind of usable form, e.g....
user986436's user avatar
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How can I remove Category And Search bar in Evernote?

I use latest version Evernote, the Category And Search bar occupy many screen space of my laptop with Windows 10, you know my laptop is only 12 inch. You can see the following Image. How ...
user828896's user avatar
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Move Evernote folder to %USERPROFILE\AppData

I don't like application data clogging up my user folder, so I'm trying to move my Evernote folder, which contains the databases and the main logs, from the default location on the user folder to %...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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How to highlight text of a PDF within Evernote?

Is there a way to easily highlight text of a PDF in Evernote on Windows? I'm using the Windows desktop EN program. Would be great if the method also worked on the web version. So far all I've gotten ...
Clay Nichols's user avatar
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How do I import .R or .r files into Evernote as notes?

I have many r files that I'd like to be able to keep and search in Evernote, so importing them as notes would be great. Importing them as attachments doesn't let me search them.
Grubbmeister's user avatar
8 votes
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How do I remove or replace a Mac keyboard shortcut?

This question refers specifically to Evernote, but the answer is generic & can be used for any Mac app. In Evernote for Mac 6.13.3 the Preferences | Keyboard Shortcuts tab does not show the ...
Steve's user avatar
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Evernote Paste without formatting doesn't work

When I copy text with link at chrome browser and Paste without formatting(ctrl+Shift+V), it is pasted with link and bold style. Before I change my laptop to new one, it is pasted only text with no ...
amplet7's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How do I change the font in an Evernote note to a custom size?

I'm using Evernote on Windows 7. I'm trying to change the size of text in a note, but I can only seem to select from the default fonts. Even though the program uses a text input to select font size, ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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How to type text to the top right of an image in Evernote

I'm using Evernote 6.5.4 on Windows 7. I've imported a scanned image file of a lined page into a note, and I want to type out the text contained in it at the top of the document, alongside it. However,...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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How can I get rid of the Evernote Web Clipper message?

Every time I open a PDF in Firefox there is a message from Evernote Web Clipper saying that I can save PDF into Evernote. Can I get rid of this message without deinstalling Evernote Web Clipper?
Michael S.'s user avatar
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Firefox is very slow when a lot of tabs are opened

Firefox (version 49) is very slow when it has opened a lot of tabs. Sometimes, it may become unresponsive when I switch to a new tab. Updated: The latest evernote web clipper( still makes ...
Hai Feng Kao's user avatar
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How to insert normal text right below a block of text in Windows?

In programs such as Microsoft Word, Wordpad or even Evernote, it is possible to insert tables, lists or code block. If that block appear on the last line of the document, how to insert a normal text ...
nowox's user avatar
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chrome extension: evernote webclipper slowing down each click by around 1s

i thought my page i develop loads a bit slow (it really doesn't) but I had a quick look. I saw this: domready at around 1.5 seconds finish at 1.6, 1.7 seconds note the piece of timeline i have ...
Toskan's user avatar
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How to save links of online lectures in Evernote?

I want to save some information of an online lecture such as the link on evernote. For example, I would like to save the lecture in evernote. Here is what I did: Select the title: "LECTURE 330 – ...
emnha's user avatar
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How to install a Chrome extension from outside of Google Chrome App Store

I'm using an extension for Google Chrome named Evernote Clearly. Unfortunately the extension is not supported anymore by Evernote und hance not available in the Chrome App Store. But I still have it ...
llasarov's user avatar
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5 answers

How to paste regular text from Microsoft Onenote to Evernote

Using Onenote 2013 and Evernote, when I try copy pasting from Onenote to Evernote I get notes pasted as images instead of text. One workaround is to paste into Microsoft Word, and then copy and paste ...
Renato Chencinski's user avatar
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Is there a shortkey to mark a reminder as being done in Evernote?

In the Reminder Tab in Evernote Evernote only lists it's global hotkeys. Is there any shortcut in Evernote to mark the reminder of a note as being done?
Christian's user avatar
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Who modified my Evernote dates

I use en fairly regularly and have a few apps/sites that I have authorized to contribute to my en account. I almost always sort by modified date so that my most recently changed notes are at the top. ...
Peter Bowers's user avatar
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evernote - restart with a clean slate, preferably keeping old notebooks available

When I first started using Evernote, I believed the hype about you just being able to store everything. You can, but now I have a huge mess in which I can't find things. My intention was to use it ...
JL Peyret's user avatar
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Copy file name to clipboard and paste it in chrome omnibox

What I'm after is to be able to come home and have the webpages I need already open. Using a combination of IOS Siri & Reminders, Evernote, IF (formerly IFttt) and Dropbox ive managed to be able ...
Zachary Wight's user avatar
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How to secure notes or notebooks in Evernote?

There are times that I will leave my computer open together with the Evernote and because there are certain notes that is private or I don't want to be shared some people can easily see it. Question: ...
Cary Bondoc's user avatar
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How do I change the default font of Evernote?

Just as the title says, how do I change the default font of Evernote so that whenever I create a new note the default font will not be Tahoma 10?
Cary Bondoc's user avatar
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How can I convert standard TXT files to Evernote's notes

I have a bunch of txt files exported from Simplenote, which I want to import to Evernote. I know Evernote can only import enex format, but how can I convert the txt files to an enex file? I noticed ...
Shawn Ma's user avatar
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Very bad fonts in Evernote

Font renedering is very bad and almost unusable in Evernote in Windows 10 PC. I have a FHD screen and have gdipp installed (disabling that makes no difference). Screenshots:
Crazy-Fool's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Embedding videos in Evernote notes?

Using the Evernote web clipper, I have the option to clip Youtube video pages. This results in a note with an embedded video thumbnail, which when clicked opens the Youtube page: How can I manually ...
Trae7's user avatar
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How to write music theory symbols in Evernote?

I want type my music theory class notes in Evernote but I can’t seem to figure out how to do this correctly. I have managed to put following symbols in Evernote just by copy and pasting but some as ...
PUG's user avatar
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How to force sorting of my tag list?

My list of nested Evernote tags, after some careless tag creation and renaming, is no longer in alphabetical order. I know that if I remove each tag from its parent tag, and the re-add, it will be ...
Superbest's user avatar
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Getting a filename of screen captured file

Is it possible to get filename of screen captured file in OneNote or in Evernote? The capture only saves the date, but I want the title of the document also.
zygimantus's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How do I move notes from Microsoft OneNote for Mac to Evernote for Mac?

I had been using Evernote. When Microsoft launched OneNote for Mac, I experimented with it for a few months. I'd like to move back to using Evernote, but I'd like to be able to move the notes I ...
Greg R.'s user avatar
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Evernote import txt

I have a lot of food thoughts in txt. I want them in evernote. I tried to Right click the file and the use send to evernote image but it ended up with wrong title, it kept the first line of my text ...
user1603548's user avatar
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Create keyboard shortcut for context menu item

Evernote Mac has a feature called "Copy Classic Note Link" that I constantly use, it only appears in context menu when you right click a note like this: Although it has a shortcut Option-C, but that ...
Philip007's user avatar
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Having emailed notes to Evernote go to a specific notebook

Is there a way in Evernote to have emailed Notes go to a specific notebook that isn't the default Evernote notebook?
Christian's user avatar
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6 votes
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Preventing OSX from using "smart" curly quotes

Is there a way to prevent OSX from using curly double and single quotes by default? I use Evernote to store SQL commands for reference and instead of getting " and ' when typing I end up with ‘ and ”. ...
ghostfly's user avatar
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LaTeXiT in Evernote

I was following this thread because I'm a college student studying physics, and taking notes in LaTeX format is really important for me, when I saw that I could use LaTeX in EN (Evernote) by just ...
michaelsnowden's user avatar
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How to size multiple images in Word 2011 via macro

I am importing screen shots from an Evernote file, into Word 2011 (Mac OS X). They look fine in Evernote, but are huge (20") in Word 2011. I need to quickly shrink them to 4" wide, and center them. ...
Lee's user avatar
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How do I directly scan from Canon Pixma MX925 to Evernote?

I just got a Pixma MX925 and want to set up scanning directly to Evernote. It is adverterised that the printer can scan to the cloud (Dropbox, Evernote ...) but I can find the Pixma Cloud Link or any ...
RainerB's user avatar
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How can I use an alternate UI in Evernote?

I am torn between using Evernote and Taskpaper for my todo list. I love Taskpaper's UI - when I use a very simple markdown to identify tasks, contexts, and projects, the UI responds by formatting ...
Affable Geek's user avatar
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Creating Evernote Note from the command line

Is there a way to create a Evernote note from the command line? At best I would like to be able to edit the same note later via the command line as well.
Christian's user avatar
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How do I start e new note in Evernote with the cursor in the title instead of the body of the note?

When using Evernote on Windoes the default starting field is the body of the document. While the first line of the body becomes the title, I prefer to have my title not part of the body. I also would ...
Snap Shot's user avatar
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How to import raw text data into Evernote?

Say, I have a todo.txt file with one line per item. Is there a way to import it into evernote so that each line shows up as a separate note? I can't find a way to do this in the Evernote UI on the PC.
Joe's user avatar
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Why can't I log in to Evernote when I am using Skitch?

I am running Evernote Skitch, latest version, on Windows 7 but when I attempt to log in to my Evernote account in Skitch, I receive the following error: Warning: Could not establish a valid SSL ...
Gryphoenix's user avatar
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How do you restore the open new note shortcut after the latest Evernote update (Version 5.0.7)?

In the latest Evernote update it seems they changed the functionality of the shortcut cmd-ctrl-n. Previously it would open a new note in a window by itself. You could then use additional shortcuts ...
Snap Shot's user avatar
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Embedding an Excel attachment in Evernote

I'm looking for a practical way to share an Excel sheet with my spouse through Evernote, so that we can both consult and modify it. I know that you can simply attach an Excel sheet in an Evernote ...
Sam's user avatar
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Move notes from Evernote to OneNote

I want to move my < 4000 notes from Evernote to Microsoft OneNote 2013. I tried the Ever2One Converter but it doesn't work. Is there any other way to move my notes in a batch?
Marcel Janus's user avatar
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Is it possible to change fonts in multiple notes in Evernote?

Just wondering if it is possible to change fonts and/or font size in multiple notes or entire notebooks?
Jason Baum's user avatar
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Evernote hide list bar

I want to use Evernote to take notes & read pdf side by side on my screen (I use Mac). I remember that OneNote can be minimised properly to be just a side bar on the screen so that I can use the ...
songyy's user avatar
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Linux: using Evernote from Emacs?

I would like to know if there is any software enabling us to use Evernote from Emacs in Linux. I edit my notes with Emacs in a text file that has grown to several MBs over the last 10 years, and I ...
719016's user avatar
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