I'm using Evernote on Windows 7. I'm trying to change the size of text in a note, but I can only seem to select from the default fonts. Even though the program uses a text input to select font size, it doesn't seem to allow for typing custom font sizes.

Is there any way to change this behaviour and use custom font sizes in Evernote?

2 Answers 2


1) Using the keyboard shortcuts to increase/decrease the font size also works.

The shortcuts have changed over time. From this site the new ones are Ctrl+- and Ctrl++.

These work on both Windows and OS X.


  • Works on the current selection, increasing/decreasing different current sizes appropriately;
  • Only works at insertion point for a +1/-1 (the last shortcut entered) size change;
  • Doesn't work on the last newline character of note (if any). Just delete it and press Enter to fix.

2) The Format > Font… menu shortcuts are:

Ctrl+D or Right Click,F or Alt+(O;F) or Alt,O,F followed by Tab,Tab <size> Enter.

These are the ones for Windows. (OS X to come)


  • Works on the current selection, resetting different current sizes;
  • Works at the insertion point for any size change;
  • Doesn't work on the last newline character of note (if any). Just delete it and press Enter to fix.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any way to set the new note default size* to a non-standard one.

* Tools > Options > Note or Alt,T,O,Shift+Tab,Right,Right,Tab,Tab <type size> Enter

Caveats: Tested on Evernote (274870) Public on Windows

  • This would not allow decimal font sizes. Commented Aug 30, 2017 at 21:19
  • @varfirstName As would not every other way to change font sizes in Evernote. Unless you tested on a later version/different OS than I did? Can you confirm this? Please post version/OS tested on.
    – robinCTS
    Commented Sep 2, 2017 at 4:10
  1. Select Text
  2. Go to Format
  3. Go to Fonts (or Show Fonts on OS X)
  4. Input the desired font size
  5. Hit enter!

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