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Questions tagged [du]

"du" is the Linux command for reporting Disk Usage

30 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Different used disk space with du and quota

If I run quota I get: Disk quotas for user XXXXXX (uid xxxx): Filesystem blocks quota limit grace files quota limit grace /dev/md2 1119132* 1048576 2097152 none 6 0 ...
AmateurProgrmmer's user avatar
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Explaination needed for strange `df` and `du` results

Can someone help me to understand the following output: # df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/xvda1 8.0G 7.5G 167M 98% / udev 7.4G 8.0K 7.4G 1% /dev ...
smkengr's user avatar
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du shows large space but inside directory it doesn't show the space

I've been trying to track down used space with du, and I'm seeing some odd behavior. [root@server01 /]# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/xvda2 32G 32G 190M 100% / ...
GranitePenguin's user avatar
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How to show uncompressed total physical size in bytes of an HFS-compressed file or directory?

Case in point: Apple's TextEdit at /Applications/ If you calculate the physical size with echo "$(/usr/bin/du -k -d 0 /Applications/ | /usr/bin/awk '{print $1}') * 1024" | /...
JayB's user avatar
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Different directory size between GUI and Command Line

I got this weird size problem using Gnome: the size of Desktop directory is: 541.2 GB (right click properties) however when I run this command on a shell I get different size: du -sh Desktop/ 1.1T ...
SAAD3000's user avatar
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Ubuntu Server shows that I am running out of disk space, but I can't figure out where it is being used

I am showing that I am running out of disk space and I am having trouble uploading, but I can't figure out where the disk space is being used. I am supposed to have 19 gigabytes, but it looks like ...
Arthur's user avatar
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How to run xargs utility on all expanded lines of input?

I have a file with a list of files and directories, containing the wildcard *. I am trying to output the size of the entries with du and would like a grand total. If I start with: cat file | xargs du -...
Francisco Leon's user avatar
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BTRFS discrepancy between df and du

the difference between disk usage reported by df and du makes 20% of capacity of my drive. It is ubuntu-type btrfs filesystem with @ and @home. Where could be the problem please? df -h /dev/sda2 ...
Jan's user avatar
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du command not counting some subdirectories

Calling: sudo du -sh /var returns: 0B /var but calling: sudo du -sh /var/log returns: 613M /var/log Why is du not counting subdirectory despite sudo? Also some items gave Operation not permitted ...
Kevin S.'s user avatar
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Why `du` output / subdirectory size on disk changes after creating a file in parent directory?

╼ pwd /some/dir ╼ ls ╼ --create centos-chroot ╼ ls centos-chroot ╼ du --block-size=1 -s centos-chroot 6320181248 ╼ fallocate -l 36613854208 largefile ╼ ls centos-chroot largefile ╼ du --...
Artalus's user avatar
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How to view the disk use of a directory ignoring hard links in macOS

Using du -d 0 you can see the disk usage of the directory you're currently in. Hard links are counted as well. I'm looking for the command that does this, but does not count the size of the hard ...
murze's user avatar
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"du" command on Windows10 under MSYS2 gives "fts_read failed" error on USB formatted as exFAT/FAT32

I'm currently using MSYS2 on Windows10 and I tried to execute du in the MINGW64 Shell Launcher on a USB formatted as exFAT. Assuming the USB is mounted on /g/, the structure of the USB is pretty much ...
AlbyTree's user avatar
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Difference between du -sh */ and du -hd 1

I tried to find out how big each directory in my root-directory is. I cd'ed to / and did: ls | xargs du -sh the result: ... 1.9M tmp 975M usr 70G var ... Then I went to /var/www and did: ...
JLix's user avatar
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Summing selective du sizes output

I am trying to find out how much space is consumed in total by files exceeding 50M in size. I am able to generate a list of file sizes with the following command: find $PWD/soccer -maxdepth 50 -type ...
Sridhar Sarnobat's user avatar
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MAC OS X 10.9.5 - strange result with du command

Looking for big files that I could delete in order to free up some space on my Mac (OS X 10.9.5), I came up with a big cache file: /System/Library/Caches/ . It was ...
Renato Kermentz's user avatar

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