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Is it possible to perform a complete backup of the Users folder with Robocopy?

This is a more specific version of a broader question I posted a few weeks ago, I have my Users folder - B:\Users - on a separate drive to my Windows 7 system. I want to copy the contents of this ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Working with source files while Robocopy is running

I need to make a backup of my entire Users folder from within Windows, but I also really need to be able to use my computer normally. I'm planning to use Robocopy for this purpose, and want to clarify ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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how to use space within pathname for Window's Robocopy

When my path for robocopy has a space, I surround it with " but get the weird error below... My .bat file contains: rem Backup scans ROBOCOPY "C:\Users\doug\Documents\My Scans\" "B:\BACKUP\My Scans\...
Doug Null's user avatar
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Robocopy transferring more data than available on source

first question on StackExchange, so apologies if there are etiquette breaches! I am using Robocopy to mirror a complete disk drive to an external drive for backup/archive purposes. I used the ...
Radiobiscuit's user avatar
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Backup Files (robocopy) | Error on files in-use

OS: Windows 7 x64 (HomePremium) CMD: >robocopy [source] [destination] -options $ robocopy "C:\Users\itzme\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\geo2eich.default" "E:\download\internet\firefox\...
fohrums's user avatar
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Robocopy: Log names of skipped/Failed files

I am using the following batch file to run my robocopy command: @ECHO OFF for /f %%a in ('wmic os get LocalDateTime ^| findstr ^[0-9]') do (set ts=%%a) robocopy [source] [target] /log+:D:\logs\log_%...
Yash Saraiya's user avatar
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Robocopy: How to copy assets from multiple locations to a single location and maintain a log

I have multiple folders containing assets (each folder has subfolders containing these assets .mp3, .txt, .png, etc). I want to copy all this assets along with the subfolder to a single location/...
Yash Saraiya's user avatar
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robocopy using parent folder name

I have a small batch file that uses robocopy to backup a folder. The intended action is for it to copy C:/users/public/ into D:/Backups/YYYY-MM-DDTHHMM/ At present, it copies the files into a folder, ...
Garth Oates's user avatar
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RoboCopy Log File Analysis

Is it possible to analyse the log text file outputted from RoboCopy and extract the lines which are defined as "New Dir" and "Extra Dir"? I would like the line from the log contain all the details ...
RobN's user avatar
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Robocopy causing network disconnects

PROBLEM: I am trying to copy a large folder (my music) from my Windows 7 machine to a Windows 8 machine via a LAN. Inevitably, once robocopy is run, the state of the network will start fluctuating ...
William Everett's user avatar
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CMD MOVE can't replace directories in WIN 7 [duplicate]

The MOVE command does not work when to ovewrite a directory. I have also tryed to run cmd with admin rights. I'm posting this question with more info so you can easily test it self. Make your own ...
Aziz's user avatar
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"Access denied" when trying to move a directory in Windows 7 [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Access denied, cmd move windows 7 I can't use this command in Windows 7 when I want to move a directory. If the destination exists, it says "Access denied". Why does this ...
Aziz's user avatar
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Access denied, cmd move windows 7

I can't use this command in win 7 when want to move a directory if the destination exists. It says Access denied. Why hapens this? It worked in XP. move /y "%1" c:\mydir\ I can use robocopy, but ...
Aziz's user avatar
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Robocopy Mirror Backup gone awry

I have created a simple batch file script for running Robocopy. It is set to make a backup of my user account folder to my external hard drive. Here's the parameters for Robocopy: ROBOCOPY "C:\...
Aznfin's user avatar
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