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Questions tagged [autocomplete]

A feature where a program proposes the user to complete a text input based on what the user started to type. Autocomplete proposes the most likely string input.

1 vote
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bash autocomplete custom script with possiblities from a text file

I have a shell script that I want to run that accepts one argument (it's actually a short hostname). All of the legal hostnames for that script are stored in a plain text file, one entry per line. I'd ...
Blistering Sheep's user avatar
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Google Autocomplete carried over from Azure to AWS VM despite different owner and hosting

I recently experienced the above, where a website that was typed into the browser of a Azure VM showed up as autocomplete option in a AWS VM (Yes, I have explicit permission to use both VMs). The VMs ...
Riley's user avatar
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Where does Outlook store mail and autocomplete addresses in Microsoft Outlook for Mac?

About 2 years ago MS rolled out a new interface but it still resides under "Outlook 16". So if you search around for files or anything like that, it'll be referencing how "Old" ...
Besto's user avatar
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How can I get my computer (macOS) to reference the proper spelling of medical terminology to enable proper autocorrect & spell check?

I am using MacOS and need to write documents which use a lot of medical terminology. Currently, the system detects many of these words as being incorrectly spelled (even when they are not), or invalid ...
JJ123's user avatar
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How to format zsh completion "interactive" menu?

It is usually relatively straightforward to format zsh completion system results e.g., zstyle ':completion:*:warnings' format ' %F{red}-- no matches found --%f' When using the interactive menu mode (e....
Andy Harvey's user avatar
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Excel - is there a solution for autocomplete in dropdowns?

I know this feature was introduced to Excel and removed since it was buggy. It's working in Excel online but VBA doesn't, and I need it too. I am looking for ideas to get the same functionality ...
Hanan Cohen's user avatar
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How can I autofill the "ID" field on Chrome?

I fill out a form occasionally and want to be faster because signups fill rapidly. How do I get autofill for the ID field circled below? Chrome already does autocomplete for everything else (name, ...
Display name's user avatar
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How can fzf's command history search always be shown, automatically and without CTRL-R?

With fzf you can press CTRL-R to have a command history search box shown below the prompt and fuzzy search. I want it shown automatically for each new prompt, without having to press CTRL-R.
Oneechan69's user avatar
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How can I complete individual command line phrases / do partial completion with fzf?

With fzf I can press CTRL-R to search my command history but it completes the whole command. What I'd like is to just complete the current argument, the next phrase before the next space. Can this be ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
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Disable syntax highlight in Notepad++ but keep autocompletion enabled [duplicate]

I want to fully disable syntax highlight in Notepad++ but keep autocompletion and auto-closing HTML tags enabled. How can I disable only syntax highlight? Edit: I want to do this for only one or few ...
t1m013y's user avatar
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Delete all autocomplete entries in Google Chrome

I want to remove all autocomplete entries in Google Chrome, and start from scratch. That is, I do not want to turn off autocomplete entirely, but rather: Remove all the existing stored autocomplete ...
Timur Shtatland's user avatar
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Outlook: Autoremove unused addresses from autocomplete

I want to prevent selecting the incorrect email address when composing messages. Microsoft Outlook's autocomplete feature aids me in achieving this goal by preventing typos that might occur if I had ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
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Windows start menu's autocomplete keystrokes?

From the Windows 10 desktop, without mousing, I can launch the default app for e.g. c:\fooooo\barrrr.jpg by typing <windows logo>c:\fo <tab> shift+<tab> \bar <tab> shift+<...
Camille Goudeseune's user avatar
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Autocomplete filepath or show suggestions when adding file using git in zsh

Let's say following is the output of my git status command. On branch LG-201 Your branch is up to date with 'origin/LG-201'. Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." ...
Kartik Chauhan's user avatar
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MacOS 14.1 autocompleting in American (I'm in the UK)

This issue affects all native text apps (Notes, TextEdit and Mail). It does NOT affect Safari. Nor does it affect Notes and Mail on iPadOS (17.1) (that's still in the UK) I can't recall when I first ...
AtheneNoctua's user avatar
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How do i prevent websites from appearing in autocomplete in terminal?

I am running MacOS if it matters I am new to terminal and work in a lab at my uni, we have a server where we ssh into from our laptops. I am using ZSH as my shell and have no plugins besides git ...
Wex300's user avatar
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How to delay tooltip and change autocomplete key in Visual Studio 2022 (17.3)

Using Visual Studio 2022 (v17.3) Community Edition. I would like to customize my experience by: Changing the default "accept" key for autocomplete suggestions from Tab to Space Change the ...
Makaveli84's user avatar
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Another Bracket Script issue

I use AutoHotKey to autocomplete all kind of brackets in the following way: typing ( gives ( -> opening brace bracket only typing (( gives () -> open & close brace with input ...
Michel's user avatar
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How do I migrate my autocomplete list from Windows Mail to Thunderbird?

I am in a difficult position. I am trying to switch to using Thunderbird, but my major problem is that I don't have a real address book because I relied heavily on the address autocomplete. I don't ...
Rory McKay's user avatar
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In Firefox, stop autocomplete when entering URL

I have been doing some local web development and have been using the web address extensively. But for the life of me, when I enter this address into the URL bar, I can no longer ...
geckels1's user avatar
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How to have Zsh completion menu and use glob patterns + recursive search?

I have the following setup for zsh completion autoload -U compinit && compinit zstyle ':completion:*' menu select zstyle ':completion:*' complete-options true setopt GLOB_COMPLETE zstyle ':...
Marc's user avatar
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Bash _cd Autocomplete to Start from Directory

I want to cd to some directory within /long/path/name/. I would like a function cd2 that Takes an argument cds to /long/path/name/$argument And autocompletes from cd2 <tab><tab> as if I ...
ASV's user avatar
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Chrome: Override autocomplete=off for text field on web form

I regularly need to fill in a form on our intranet but the devs for an unknown reason have disabled autocomplete on some of the text fields. This means I have to repeatedly type in entries. I have ...
TripToBelize's user avatar
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how do I delete an autocomplete suggestion in firefox macos

I use Cyberchef quite often, not often enough to have a visible bookmark on the useless bar. So I often go to the search bar and type in cyb and hit downarrow and enter. But at some unknown point the ...
frumbert's user avatar
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set colored-stats ignores $LS_COLORS

Problem I am trying to make auto-completed files be colored according to $LS_COLORS in bash. But autocompletion ignores my $LS_COLORS variable and gets color values from some-place else. Setting I ...
Karolis Koncevičius's user avatar
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Outlook's autocomplete isn't working for only a couple of addresses

So I'm following this article to get autocomplete working:
mirkaim's user avatar
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Remove ZLE commands from zsh autocomplete

I've set up zsh completion to be case-insensitive, and I use the autocd option, so when I type downl<Tab><Enter> I will cd Downloads/. Great! However, if I just type dow, zsh will instead ...
Josh Friedlander's user avatar
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Chrome: Address bar autocomplete changes sporadically

I frequently search Wikipedia on Chrome by opening a new tab, typing just "w" into the address bar, and then using tab-to-search with autocomplete to open the Wikipedia search. I ...
Jon Claus's user avatar
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Remove suggestion from Firefox autocomplete in URL input field

I'm absolutely staggered to have such a hard time finding an answer to this. Now, to make this clear, I am not talking about any of the entries in the dropdown that pops up once you type something ...
Otto Abnormalverbraucher's user avatar
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Get URL autocomplete to match around subdomain

A variety of sites that I use have the company name behind a subdomain, e.g. <mycompany> <mycompany> I'd like to be able to ...
Tony Jackson's user avatar
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Autocomplete text

Here's a doubt, there is a tool that has the autocomplete function (such as with the addition that if I start to write another word and I ...
Elermain's user avatar
5 votes
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prevent PowerShell autocomplete from adding dot prefix

I understand why PowerShell requires that I prefix a command foo.exe with .\foo.exe when I run it. So if I am typing a command fo and hit Tab, autocomplete changes what I typed to .\foo.exe. I can ...
Garret Wilson's user avatar
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NeoVim coc.nvim enter key doesn't work to autocomplete

Recently I rewrote my NeoVim config file from vim script to lua and everything is working fine, but I have one issue. When I'm using coc.nvim for autocompletion and I select something, hit enter, ...
jihndoc's user avatar
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How can I increase the number of words suggested by the text prediction feature in Windows 10?

I use the text prediction feature in Windows 10: How can I increase number of words suggested by the text prediction feature in Windows 10?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How can I add custom words to the suggested list in the text prediction feature in Windows 10?

I use the text prediction feature in Windows 10: How can I add custom words to the suggested list?
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How can I use Dragon Professional Individual along with Windows 10's text prediction feature?

I use the text prediction feature in Windows 10: It seems to prevent Dragon Professional Individual 15.6 from transcribing my speech into the current field. How can I use Dragon Professional ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How can I efficiently select a text prediction given by Windows' text suggestions feature?

I currently select a text prediction given by Windows' text suggestions feature via the mouse, or with the arrow key followed by ENTER. This is very inefficient. How can I efficiently (= by pressing ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
4 votes
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Disable/remove “Switch to This Tab” suggestions in Chrome/Brave omnibar?

It annoys me that when I type in the omnibar for Brave or Chrome, that among my suggested automatic completions are catfish results that upon selection change my tab. Is there any way, such as by ...
2540625's user avatar
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How to get Visual Studio like IntelliSense completion in Visual Studio Code?

Let's say I am typing import matplotlib.pyplot. In Visual Studio, if I press space once the dropdown appears, it autocompletes the pyplot part and inserts a space after. Or when the name of a function ...
Yashbhatt's user avatar
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Poetry completion is not working in macOS Monterey

On a pristine macOS I followed the steps listed here ending with a .zshrc file like this: export PATH="/Users/canciobello/Library/Python/3.9/bin:$PATH" fpath+=~/.zfunc compinit The zsh ...
Frank's user avatar
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How does one auto-complete forms in Microsoft Edge in Microsoft 10 21H2?

How does one auto-complete forms in Microsoft Edge in Microsoft 10 21H2? When I click on an auto-completion entry, nothing happens: Using Edge Version 99.0.1150.46 (Official build) (64-bit). Auto-...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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compgen on zsh returns a different result than on bash

I am trying to make bash completions work properly in zsh. I am aware of the need to load these in ~/.zshrc: autoload -Uz +X compinit && compinit autoload -Uz +X bashcompinit && ...
DannyB's user avatar
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Pressing Tab Key in Terminal Enters a Space Instead of Triggering Autocomplete

First time asking on this site, please let me know if I can improve the question :) I'm helping a student configure her mac development environment. We've got zsh setup, which I believe should come ...
Brooklin Myers's user avatar
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Using git completion inside function

I use ZSH and have git completions working, provided by brew install git (installed to /opt/homebrew/share/zsh/site-functions). If I git commit [TAB], it will autocomplete paths which have been ...
user137369's user avatar
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Windows PowerShell keeps autocompleting with the SendTo folder in the home directory

I'm using PowerShell on Windows 10. When I type ls in my home folder, the only folder that starts with an s is a folder called source. When I type cd s and then press the tab key, PowerShell ...
Aaron Franke's user avatar
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Toggle autocomplete in Visual Studio Code (not permanently turn off)

Hopefully this is the proper forum for this question... I've searched the web to no avail - every link I find details turning autocomplete permanently off. Is there some way to toggle autocomplete on ...
Chris Parker's user avatar
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How to remove leading file path information from fish shell tab-complete suggestions?

Using fish, typing ls <tab> in an example directory, the terminal displays: $ ls bar/ dir/ foo/ Continuing with d<tab><tab> this becomes: $ ls dir/ dir/moredir/ dir/otherdir/ ...
Quappas's user avatar
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Autocomplete commands not working gnome 40

When I start typing a command, the terminal gives me suggestions from previous commands. But when I press the tab key it says: zsh: do you wish to see all 3536 possibilities (3536 lines)? Is there a ...
Jared Peter's user avatar
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How to add auto-completion for ZSH to any type of script without writing files and changing .zshrc?

I have a large codebase that will get cloned by every user to his own system before using it on a large HPC-cluster, where I do not have root-priviledges. Some of the scripts are perl-, python- and ...
Asfgrergwrge's user avatar
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Excel: Permanently disable/stop auto-increment when dragging down cells (drag-and-drop)

I'm working on a form with many rows that user need to fill. Often they drag down (drag-and-drop) cell values to popluate rows that have the same values over several rows. Auto-increment (see below), ...
MsGISRocker's user avatar

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