I am using MacOS and need to write documents which use a lot of medical terminology. Currently, the system detects many of these words as being incorrectly spelled (even when they are not), or invalid (when they are), and the various Autocorrect, Autocomplete, Spell Checker, and the system Dictionary all regularly try to "correct" these words, or, because they don't actually know which word I'm trying to write, cannot help me write them correctly.

I want to do more than just tell the OS to ignore these. While improper auto-corrections can be a big problem, the red underlines everywhere are very annoying as well.

I need to use these words throughout MacOS, on Mail, Messages, Calendar, Notes, Reminders, Safari, Stickies, and also in 3rd party apps running on MacOS, such as MS Office and the Chrome browser.

How can I bulk import words or entire dictionaries into the MacOS dictionary such that those words will be used by the system for auto-correction, auto-completion, spell-check, and other helpers the OS tries to provide?

I suppose related to this is the question of whether these 3rd party apps use the OS-wide dictionary or not. I do not know whether this is the case.

This is a significant problem to me, and I am willing to try just about anything to solve it, including learning Terminal if I must.

  • I'm sorry, are you just having issues with a spellcheck dictionary? "...fix its inability to properly interact with medical terminology" is a very awkward phrase that is confusing. Also, if you're asking for a multi-platform solution, why are you focused on MacOS? Please EDIT your post. Get rid of the heading styles. Just use regular bold and normal text and other basic formatting. The heading styles detract from the readability of your post. Commented Apr 11 at 22:42
  • Ubiquitous solution - no. There are medical dictionaries for MS Office.
    – Gilby
    Commented Apr 11 at 22:56
  • @music2myear Edited to improve explanation & address feedback
    – JJ123
    Commented Apr 12 at 1:13
  • @Gilby Edited to elaborate. Ok, I won't get my hopes up for a panacea. Could you tell me more about these dictionaries for MS Office? Do you know if that something that could be done for other apps as well, on an app by app basis I assume?
    – JJ123
    Commented Apr 12 at 1:16
  • 2
    This revisions was honestly so poorly formatted, I am actually shocked, anyone attempt to fix it for you. I am telling you that, so you understand, the reason you received the feedback on the formatting of your question. Could the feedback have been worded differently, certainly, but the formatting was really really bad.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Apr 12 at 2:21


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