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How can fzf's command history search always be shown, automatically and without CTRL-R?

With fzf you can press CTRL-R to have a command history search box shown below the prompt and fuzzy search. I want it shown automatically for each new prompt, without having to press CTRL-R.
Oneechan69's user avatar
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How can I complete individual command line phrases / do partial completion with fzf?

With fzf I can press CTRL-R to search my command history but it completes the whole command. What I'd like is to just complete the current argument, the next phrase before the next space. Can this be ...
Oneechan69's user avatar
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compgen on zsh returns a different result than on bash

I am trying to make bash completions work properly in zsh. I am aware of the need to load these in ~/.zshrc: autoload -Uz +X compinit && compinit autoload -Uz +X bashcompinit && ...
DannyB's user avatar
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How to remove leading file path information from fish shell tab-complete suggestions?

Using fish, typing ls <tab> in an example directory, the terminal displays: $ ls bar/ dir/ foo/ Continuing with d<tab><tab> this becomes: $ ls dir/ dir/moredir/ dir/otherdir/ ...
Quappas's user avatar
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How to undo automatic character replacement in gnome-terminal?

I've created an annoying feature that I can't undo. While installing some different terminal themes, I installed a script that replaces some of my terminal characters with symbols when I'm typing, ...
user3037237's user avatar
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How to show fish shell completions in a menu and window pressing tab

Currently fish shell (2.3.1) shows the completion list after pressing Tab. You can navigate through the list using the arrow keys or Tab. If possible, how can I show the completion list in a pop menu ...
Andrew-Dufresne's user avatar
6 votes
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How to get bash-style autocompletion in zsh, (for git command)

I switched to zsh and find it better than bash, but I have a problem with oh-my-zsh's (hereafter "OMZ") autocomplete feature. When I type git chec, OMZ completes that to git check; in bash it gets ...
Hunsu's user avatar
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bash autocomplete fails with wildcard

Using bash on this this system: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt20-1+deb8u4 (2016-02-29) x86_64 GNU/Linux The sequence: cd /tmp touch test1.txt && touch test2.txt && ...
alle_meije's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

ZSH PS1 adding spacing when tabbing

I'm having an issue with zsh/oh-my-zsh with my custom PS1 prompt (that I brought across from bash). When I use the built-in zsh/oh-my-zsh prompt and tab for auto-completion, this works as expected. ...
Andrew White's user avatar
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Enable autocomplete in archlinux adb shell

In archlinux, when using the command adb shell provided by the package android-tools to obtain a shell on an Android device, the auto-completion using Tab is not working. Everything else is working ...
enrico.bacis's user avatar
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How can I make shell autocomplete the beginning of a filepath?

I have a project with a deeply nested folder structure. Most of the time I know the name of the file I want to work with, but the folder path is too long/complicated to type when I want to edit it, ...
canerbalci's user avatar
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Zsh: how to auto complete after a command?

everyone. It's a little difficult to explain what I want to do. I want to create a script 'example', which can input long commands for you after you run it with short parameters. For example, $ ...
Libin Wen's user avatar
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How can I get emacs 24.* under windows to autocomplete paths in shell buffers using “\” instead of “/”?

See How can I get emacs under windows to autocomplete paths in shell buffers using "\" instead of "/"? I use emacs on windows 7, when calling M-x shell, emacs opens a DOS-Shell. ...
Chris's user avatar
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bash tab completion is showing commands instead of files and folders

I used chmod to make some scripts executable, and now my bash shell is tab-autocompleting all available commands. How can I make it go back to completing just files / folders in the current folder?
AJcodez's user avatar
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ZSH, colourify & autocompletion

I have zsh with oh-my-zsh, I added an alias to color the make output using alias make="colourify make" but when I use it, make autocompletion does not work anymore. If I use unalias make, the make ...
oulipo's user avatar
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