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Questions tagged [amazon-s3]

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a web service which provides storage and various interfaces for accessing data stored there.

0 votes
2 answers

make new objects in s3 bucket public by default

I have an s3 bucket in which the objects within it need to be made public, right now anytime I upload a new file I have to click on it and then click "make public using acl" I wonder if ...
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0 answers

ffmpeg stream image flow to AWS S3

For a video monitoring solution, I want to push thumbnails of an incoming video (TS/UDP) to a S3 bucket from where those thumbnails are shown on a web page Currently the following bash loop is working:...
1 vote
1 answer

How does FFMpeg read from a remote s3 url

I'm intrigued how does FFMpeg read a video file from a remote url (for example, an aws s3 presigned url). Does it download the file in chunks and then process it chunk by chunk? Or does it download ...
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0 answers

Mount or sync an S3 versioned bucket with rewind - back in time

Assuming I have an S3 versioned bucket (backed by Ceph), I would like to restore from it at a specific time. mcli has a --rewind feature that allows some operations to time-travel into the past taking ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to route linode object bucket to domain name?

I have a linode object bucket up and running with my files/folders. I have purchased the domain and have set a CNAME to point to [subdomain].[domain] When ...
85 votes
7 answers

Uploading files to S3 account from Linux command line

I've got several large files sitting in my Linux hosted account that I need to upload to my S3 account. I don't want to download them first and then upload them into S3. Is there any way I can "...
1 vote
1 answer

Connect to S3 Web Console with Access and Secret Key

Is it possible to authenticate in the Amazon S3 console ( using an access key/secret key pair? It looks like it only accepts user credentials. If not, is there any ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to fix awscli s3 error "The Content-MD5 you specified did not match what we received" (BadDigest)?

Uploading a file over 10 GB to s3 fails with: aws s3 cp 'foo.log.gz' s3://mybucket/2018/12/ --storage-class REDUCED_REDUNDANCY upload failed: ./foo.log.gz to s3://mybucket/2018/12/foo.log.gz An ...
1 vote
0 answers

AWS Windows EC2 File Transfer - Need to keep session open

I have a rather large file that I need to copy from an S3 bucket to a Windows EC2 and it will not complete before a session ends. I have found lots of suggestions for this for Linux but not Windows. ...
33 votes
5 answers

Amazon S3 Recover Deleted File

Is it possible to recover a file I deleted from my S3 bucket?
0 votes
1 answer

aws sync doesn't download the file and instead create an empty directory

The file I'm trying to download is: s3://ont-open-data/gm24385_q20_2021.10/analysis/20210805_1713_5C_PAH79257_0e41e938/guppy_5.0.15_sup/align_unfiltered/chr19/calls2ref.bam This is an open dataset. I ...
0 votes
1 answer

How translate s3 url to http in chrome automatically?

Let say I have a link like that: s3://mybucket/mybucket?prefix=myprefix/file.json And I open it in chrome browser. I will get an error. Is it possible to automatically translate the s3 url from ...
2 votes
0 answers

AWS S3 Bucket CORS Error

I have an amazon s3 bucket called cs-ia. This is my CORS configuration: [ { "AllowedHeaders": [ "*" ], "AllowedMethods": [ ...
16 votes
2 answers

AWS upload folder to S3 as tar.gz without compressing locally

In AWS CLI, how do I upload a folder as a tar.gz file without creating a tar.gz locally? For example, I have a folder at /var/test and I want to upload it to /tests/test1.tar.gz How do I do that ...
6 votes
1 answer

Why can't I connect to my Amazon S3 storage with two of my three clients?

I use Transmit, Cyberduck, and Espresso, all of which support connecting to Amazon S3. But for some reason, I can only connect to my S3 storage successfully in Transmit; Cyberduck and Espresso both ...

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