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Questions tagged [amazon-s3]

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a web service which provides storage and various interfaces for accessing data stored there.

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ffmpeg stream image flow to AWS S3

For a video monitoring solution, I want to push thumbnails of an incoming video (TS/UDP) to a S3 bucket from where those thumbnails are shown on a web page Currently the following bash loop is working:...
Jean-Michel's user avatar
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How does FFMpeg read from a remote s3 url

I'm intrigued how does FFMpeg read a video file from a remote url (for example, an aws s3 presigned url). Does it download the file in chunks and then process it chunk by chunk? Or does it download ...
CtrlAltElite's user avatar
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Mount or sync an S3 versioned bucket with rewind - back in time

Assuming I have an S3 versioned bucket (backed by Ceph), I would like to restore from it at a specific time. mcli has a --rewind feature that allows some operations to time-travel into the past taking ...
Robert Cutajar's user avatar
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How to route linode object bucket to domain name?

I have a linode object bucket up and running with my files/folders. I have purchased the domain and have set a CNAME to point to [subdomain].[domain] When ...
SynfulAcktor's user avatar
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Connect to S3 Web Console with Access and Secret Key

Is it possible to authenticate in the Amazon S3 console ( using an access key/secret key pair? It looks like it only accepts user credentials. If not, is there any ...
mrgou's user avatar
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AWS Windows EC2 File Transfer - Need to keep session open

I have a rather large file that I need to copy from an S3 bucket to a Windows EC2 and it will not complete before a session ends. I have found lots of suggestions for this for Linux but not Windows. ...
kcjelv178's user avatar
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aws sync doesn't download the file and instead create an empty directory

The file I'm trying to download is: s3://ont-open-data/gm24385_q20_2021.10/analysis/20210805_1713_5C_PAH79257_0e41e938/guppy_5.0.15_sup/align_unfiltered/chr19/calls2ref.bam This is an open dataset. I ...
Jerry Fan's user avatar
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How translate s3 url to http in chrome automatically?

Let say I have a link like that: s3://mybucket/mybucket?prefix=myprefix/file.json And I open it in chrome browser. I will get an error. Is it possible to automatically translate the s3 url from ...
Cherry's user avatar
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AWS S3 Bucket CORS Error

I have an amazon s3 bucket called cs-ia. This is my CORS configuration: [ { "AllowedHeaders": [ "*" ], "AllowedMethods": [ ...
Berlm's user avatar
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Can't delete duplicity s3/glacier archives

For backing up my system to s3, I'm running: duplicity 0.8.17 Python 3.9.2 boto3 '1.24.36' My daily backups run fine, as desired they are moved from s3 to glacier after a month, duplicity status ...
htInEdin's user avatar
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make new objects in s3 bucket public by default

I have an s3 bucket in which the objects within it need to be made public, right now anytime I upload a new file I have to click on it and then click "make public using acl" I wonder if ...
fred's user avatar
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What IAM policy is appropriate for gitlab S3 buckets when using KMS encryption?

I'm setting up GitLab with S3 storage backend and would like to use KMS to encrypt the buckets. I'd like to avoid giving out permissions broadly. I'm using terraform to provision these resources. How ...
flickerfly's user avatar
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How to create AWS S3 key

I've set up an AWS S3 bucket, and it's working for transfers using the web UI, but I want to be able to use the "aws s3 sync" command. The only way I know how to use that command requires ...
Toby Eggitt's user avatar
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Is there a way we can way to minimize or eliminate warning when a recipient receives an email from AmazonSES

When we are sending emails using Amazon SES from the application, recipients of the email are seeing warning messages like below: I have tried to find possible things that we can do to avoid ...
BunnY's user avatar
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Can WinSCP be used to access Google Cloud Storage bucket using the 'Amazon S3' file protocol?

Can WinSCP be used to access Google Cloud Storage bucket using the Amazon S3 file protocol using the HMAC keys? I tired but got the following error: Expected request type in credential scope to be &...
Sarang's user avatar
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Streaming file via HTTP to S3

Currently we have a function on one of our EC2 instances (running C# .NET) that, upon request, opens an HTTP connection to an external site (for the sake of argument, let's say
JED's user avatar
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Whitelist IP addresses for access to AWS S3 static web hosting

I have seen several references that use a Bucket Policy similar in structure to the following { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Id": "Policy1607646663558", ...
WestCoastProjects's user avatar
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Why does respond with 400 Bad Request when I connect over telnet?

This is what my request looks like. I have confirmed that the end of line separator is CRLF: telnet 80 GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; ...
PHP Guru's user avatar
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Windows7 command prompt show number of objects as list from dir command

I'm using Windows7, and I want to know the number of files (or objects) for comparison to objects in Amazon S3 buckets. I'm not interested in size, as the size can differ between file types. I want ...
Jordan's user avatar
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GPG piping help for an S3 encrypted postgresql backup into RDS

I was wondering if there was a trick that I am missing. I am trying to get an encrypted Postgresql backup dump from S3 -> decrypt it in GPG -> pg_restore into RDS. However, I am not able to get ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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Upload multiple files to S3 from stdin

I found the option to upload to S3 from stdin: cat test.txt | aws s3 cp - s3://mybucket/test.text But I have a tgz archive coming in via curl and containing multiple files. I want to write the ...
Marcel Boldt's user avatar
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How to search for nested files in my S3 bucket?

I'm on the S3 Management Console and I see the instructions to type a prefix to search: However, when I search, it only finds files in the current folder. Is there a way to search for files that ...
nachocab's user avatar
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AWS Access Key Issue while accessing s3 bucket on Azure VM

I am trying to access AWS s3 bucket from Azure HDInsight Cluster VM. I generated new keys and added to .aws/credentials. "aws s3 ls" is working fine in Azure VM. If I do hadoop distcp or read a s3 ...
rajdrm's user avatar
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Download all S3 files uploaded within a given time period

I would like to all files uploaded to an S3 button within a given time period. For all example, everything that was uploaded between 05-11-2017 and 07-11-2018. Please note that due to the size of ...
Blunderchips's user avatar
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Selectively uploading multiple folders to AWS S3 using CLI

I have around 50 folders, which contain subfolders, I want to upload the folders and subfolders to an S3 bucket, while keeping the subfolders structure. I read I can use --include command multiple ...
Tlink's user avatar
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AWS Beanstalk s3 issue

I wanted to update a nodejs app and ruined my s3 server. Instead of updating properly from services -> elastic beanstalk, I deleted the .zip file on s3 and replaced it with a new one. I rebuilt my ...
Georgios Lytos's user avatar
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Prepopulated AWS Access Key ID when creating a new profile?

A new counter-party has provided me with an AWS S3 Access Key ID and a Secret Key so I can send files to them. I was expecting to run $ aws s3 configure and enter those values when prompted. ...
zundarz's user avatar
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Creating folders by file names

I'm trying to find a way to create a folder for every file in a directory. I then want to copy each file into its created folder. These files are currently hosted on AWS (S3). So for example if I ...
BobDoleForPresident's user avatar
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How to configure amazon S3 bucket for read-only access to host a static website?

I have a very small (static) website hosted on Amazon S3. Yesterday I received the following message, that had this subject line: Notification of Amazon S3 buckets configured for public access And ...
c00000fd's user avatar
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Setting up a custom idp for AWS SFTP using Active Directory

I've been digging into setting up custom auth for AWS SFTP and it's one hell of a black hole. There's lot's of references to being able to use a custom idp, but no concrete examples. We're using ...
AddGarbanzos's user avatar

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