I am tracking rooms booked in a hotel on a daily basis in Excel. Every day I input the number of rooms booked in a column to show a trend of pick up over a period. I'd like to return the value of the last entry in a column.

I would post a picture to illustrate, but apparently you have to be at a certain level.

3 Answers 3


Sure use this (for numbers) -


Change B:B to whatever column you're using.

or this (for text) -

  • The LOOKUP(2,1/... approach slows down my spreadsheets a lot for some reason.
    – Museful
    Commented May 3, 2015 at 21:57

Try this (found here):

=INDEX(column, COUNTA(column), 1)

For instance, to return the last value in column A, you'd use the expression


  • This works, but it's a faster calculation to no use an array formula. Commented Sep 26, 2014 at 12:47
  • This is not invariably the case :) Take a look: decisionmodels.com/optspeede.htm. VLOOKUP is slightly faster (approx. 5%), simpler and uses less memory than a combination of MATCH and INDEX or OFFSET. However the additional flexibility offered by MATCH and INDEX often allows you to make significant timesaving compared to VLOOKUP. Commented Sep 26, 2014 at 12:50
  • True, but index() is also volatile (for WS structure changes, not cell changes). source - download the zip and watch the volatility if adding/removing a row or column. Commented Sep 26, 2014 at 13:01
  • A good point :) Commented Sep 26, 2014 at 13:02
  • 1
    Probably no difference between the two in this particular application, assuming the amount of data isn't unreasonable. Commented Sep 26, 2014 at 13:03

You may use any on these formulas:



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