I'm not 100% when it comes to configuring switches and I have a requirement to send any requests for things outside of the network onto a specific IP address. I know how to add static routes I just don't know how to configure it in this instance.

I have an "air gapped" network. All DNS resolution is internal as there is no external access however a link has been fitted to accommodate very specific purpose which I can't detail. I need to send all requests not within our network to this link (firewall). I have the IP to send the requests to but I don't know the format for capturing requests we can't fulfill. Hopefully that makes sense?

Any assistance would be very much appreciated.


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    Commented Jul 5 at 10:11

1 Answer 1


That sounds like the complete opposite of "air gapped".

I don't know the format for capturing requests we can't fulfill.

Any route that is "larger" than your actual network will work this way, because overlapping routes are ordered by their specificity – more-specific (smaller) routes will have priority, while less-specific (larger) routes will take what remains.

So if you want to route everything that your existing routes don't already cover, you would use a /0 route, also known as a "default route".

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