I have a worksheet tab that contains a table exported from a piece of software used. On another sheet I have a filter function set up to be based on cell input, essentially a quicker way to search specific item numbers than clicking through and typing in the filter menu. Single input worked fine, and I sort of got it working for taking in multiple cells and skipping blank ones but I assume there's got to be a simpler way than what I came up with.

A3:A is essentially just as many order #'s as I want to filter it against, currently only intending on 10 at a time with my current formula (I shortened my example to just 3 entries).

=FILTER('export 2'!A:S,
IF(NOT(ISBLANK(A3)),('export 2'!F:F=A3))+
IF(NOT(ISBLANK(A4)),('export 2'!F:F=A4)+
IF(NOT(ISBLANK(A5)),('export 2'!F:F=A5))))

I cannot include an image because it contains sensitive data, but essentially I'd like to filter against any order # that I put in A2:A*. Any help would be greatly appreciate.

1 Answer 1



=FILTER('export 2'!A:S,ISNUMBER(MATCH('export 2'!F:F,A:A,0)))
  • That worked perfectly, thank you so much Commented May 16 at 22:24

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