How do I split videos by file size using ffmpeg? For example, I have a 1.92GB video and I want to split it into 200MB videos. There are two ways how I want to split them:

  1. Losslessly by using the -c copy parameter
  2. At non-keyframes/frames other than I-frames while re-encoding into other video formats like H.264.

The problem is, when I used the -fs parameter to split videos, I only got one file. How do I fix that.

Command line: ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -fs 200M output_segment_%03d.mp4

  • You can't split by size, only by time, using the segment muxer.
    – Gyan
    Commented May 13 at 3:52
  • Then what does? Commented May 13 at 15:36


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