I have a Table from which I pull a list of unique values, then I want to pull all their keys and merge them using textjoin. But the Filter function the criteria to be compared against a single value, while I want the criteria to look for a whole row.

In normal circumstances I would just stick with a single value and let it drag town with a table, but in this case the source is a Unique function so it can't be a table.

1 Item Key Item Key
2 foo apple foo apple,orange
3 bar apple bar apple,orange
4 foo orange
5 bar orange
6 bar apple

Right now I have:

  1. A1:B6 is a Table called Table1
  2. For the items:
  3. For the keys results column, starting from Row 2:
    =TEXTJOIN(",", TRUE, FILTER(Table1[Key],Table1[Item]=E2))
    =TEXTJOIN(",", TRUE, FILTER(Table1[Key],Table1[Item]=E3))
    =TEXTJOIN(",", TRUE, FILTER(Table1[Key],Table1[Item]=E4))
    =TEXTJOIN(",", TRUE, FILTER(Table1[Key],Table1[Item]=E5))
    =TEXTJOIN(",", TRUE, FILTER(Table1[Key],Table1[Item]=E6))

But the data is dynamic so I can't keep doing D5, D6, etc. and also I don't want to just drag down over unused cells because it slows down the file.

So what I'm looking for is something like =TEXTJOIN(",", TRUE, FILTER(Table1[Key],Table1[Item]=E:E)) plus only for non empty D cells, so the result will be without having to put formulas in E3, E4, etc. Is it possible?

Also, what if there are multiple keys i.e. for Row it's =TEXTJOIN(",", TRUE, FILTER(Table2[Key1] & " - " & Table2[Key2], Table1[Item]=E2))?

1 Item Key Key2 Item Key
2 foo apple grapes foo apple - grapes,orange - apple
3 bar apple plum bar apple - plum,orange - test
4 foo orange apple
5 bar orange test
6 bar apple plum

Note that I have a similar Google Sheets specific question on Web Applications.

2 Answers 2


Here is what you can do using BYROW() which applies a custom LAMBDA() calculations to each row in the array of x to check if each value in x is equal to Table1[Item] to return a delimited list one output per row with respective Table1[Key].

enter image description here

=BYROW(D1#,LAMBDA(x, TEXTJOIN(", ",1,FILTER(Table1[Key],Table1[Item]=x,","))))

Or, using MAP()

=VSTACK(",",DROP(MAP(D1#,LAMBDA(x,TEXTJOIN(", ",1,IF(x=Table1[Item],Table1[Key],"")))),1))

This is only an alternative, not needed as BYROW() should do, what you are trying to achieve, here is using MAP() function:

     _LastRow, MATCH(2,1/(D:D<>"")),
     VSTACK(", ",MAP(D2:INDEX(D:D,_LastRow), LAMBDA(x,
     TEXTJOIN(", ",1,IF(Table1[Item]=x,Table1[Key],""))))))

  • 1
    Nice! But BYROW(), LAMBDA(), VSTACK() and MAP() seem to be Office 365 exclusive functions. Is there a regular Office alternative?
    – LWC
    Commented Apr 4 at 8:50
  • @LWC what is your version ? Excel 2021? Commented Apr 4 at 8:51
  • Yes, that's the one
    – LWC
    Commented Apr 4 at 8:52
  • @LWC you will certainly need a helper/intermediate columns. Commented Apr 4 at 8:54
  • Also note that using TEXTJOIN() for the whole array is not suggestive, let say you have a data around 20K then at certain point the TEXTJOIN() function will return #VALUE! error, as TEXTJOIN() function has character limitations if the resulting string exceeds 32767 characters (cell limit), suggestive will be to use what you are using presently or use Power Query Commented Apr 4 at 9:00

Here are alternatives that don't rely on 365 (which users can use this):

  1. VBA UDF Macro
  2. Power Query

1. VBA UDF Macro:

  • Benefit - loads in a second even if the source data has thousands of rows
  • Caveat - requires enabling macros and all changes need to be done purely in code


  1. Paste the following code into a VBA editor module
  2. Use it in the cell in which you want the output via either:
    • 1 range for everything, e.g. =ConcatenateKeysForItems(Table1[#All]) or =ConcatenateKeysForItems(a1:c6)
    • 1 range for items and just 1 range for keys, e.g. =ConcatenateKeysForItems(Table1[[#All],[Item]], Table1[[#All],[Key]]) or =ConcatenateKeysForItems(a1:a6, b1:b6)
    • 1 range for items, 1 range for key1, and 1 range for key2, e.g. =ConcatenateKeysForItems(Table1[[#All],[Item]],Table1[[#All],[Key]],Table1[[#All],[Key2]]) or =ConcatenateKeysForItems(a1:a6, b1:b6, c1:c6)
  3. Optional
    1. Modify the first lines to change the separators and exclusions
    2. If you want it to automatically update every time the source data is updated (like a native formula), then there's another code below which you can paste into the VBA editor's ThisWorkbook
Function ConcatenateKeysForItems(rng As Range, Optional rngKey1 As Range = Nothing, Optional rngKey2 As Range = Nothing) As Variant
    Dim ws As Worksheet, disallowedKeys As Variant, sepInternal As String, sepExternal As String
    sepInternal = " - "
    sepExternal = ","
    disallowedKeys = Array("0", "-1")
    Set ws = rng.Worksheet
    If UBound(disallowedKeys) = -1 Then
        disallowedKeys = Array("")
    End If
    If rngKey1 Is Nothing And rngKey2 Is Nothing And rng.Columns.Count = 1 Then
        ' Since there's only one column, simply return the unique items
        ConcatenateKeysForItems = Application.WorksheetFunction.Unique(rng.Columns(1))
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim dict As Object
    Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim item As Variant, keyValue As Variant, value2 As Variant
    Dim combinedValue As String
    Dim row As Range
    Dim colCount As Long
    colCount = rng.Columns.Count
    For Each row In rng.Rows
        item = row.Cells(1, 1).Value
        If Not dict.Exists(item) Then
            dict.Add item, CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        End If
        If Not rngKey1 Is Nothing Then
            keyValue = rngKey1.Cells(row.row - rng.row + 1, 1).Value
            keyValue = row.Cells(1, 2).Value ' Get keyValue from second column if rngKey1 is Nothing
        End If
        ' Determine value2 and create combinedValue
        If Not rngKey2 Is Nothing Or (colCount > 2 And rngKey1 Is Nothing) Then
            If Not rngKey2 Is Nothing Then
                value2 = rngKey2.Cells(row.row - rng.row + 1, 1).Value
                ' Use the third column for value2 only if rngKey1 is Nothing and rng has more than 2 columns
                value2 = row.Cells(1, 3).Value
            End If
            combinedValue = keyValue & sepInternal & value2
            If Not dict(item).Exists(combinedValue) Then
                dict(item).Add combinedValue, Array(keyValue, value2, combinedValue)
            End If
            ' If rngKey2 is Nothing and colCount <= 2, or rngKey1 is not nothing but colCount <= 2
            If Not dict(item).Exists(keyValue) Then
                dict(item).Add keyValue, Array(keyValue, "", "")
            End If
        End If
    Next row
    ' Prepare the output array based on the conditions
    Dim output() As Variant
    Dim outputCols As Long
    If Not rngKey2 Is Nothing Or (colCount > 2 And rngKey1 Is Nothing) Then
        outputCols = 4 ' Item, Keys, Values, Key-Value Combinations
        outputCols = 2 ' Item, Keys
    End If
    ReDim output(1 To dict.Count, 1 To outputCols)
    Dim k As Long: k = 1
    For Each item In dict.Keys
        Dim allKeys As String: allKeys = ""
        Dim allValues As String: allValues = ""
        Dim allCombinations As String: allCombinations = ""
        Dim disallowedPrevent As Boolean
        For Each keyValue In dict(item).Keys
            Dim details As Variant
            details = dict(item)(keyValue)
            ' If first entry or not disallowed
            If allKeys = "" Or IsError(Application.Match(details(0) & "", disallowedKeys, 0)) Then
                disallowedPrevent = False
                ' If not first entry or not disallowed
                If allKeys <> "" And Not IsError(Application.Match(allKeys, disallowedKeys, 0)) Then
                    disallowedPrevent = True
                End If
                allKeys = IIf(disallowedPrevent, "", allKeys & IIf(allKeys = "", "", sepExternal)) & details(0)
                If outputCols = 4 Then
                    allValues = IIf(disallowedPrevent, "", allValues & IIf(allValues = "", "", sepExternal)) & details(1)
                    allCombinations = IIf(disallowedPrevent, "", allCombinations & IIf(allCombinations = "", "", sepExternal)) & details(2)
                End If
            End If
        Next keyValue
        output(k, 1) = item  ' Item names
        output(k, 2) = allKeys  ' Keys
        If outputCols = 4 Then
            output(k, 3) = allValues ' Values (for ranges with more than 2 columns or when rngKey2 is specified)
            output(k, 4) = allCombinations ' Key-Value Combinations
        End If
        k = k + 1
    Next item
    ConcatenateKeysForItems = output
End Function

Use this to sync the output to the input - change the first line to define the input (e.g. Table1 in Sheet1) and output (e.g. E7):

Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)
    Const source_rg As String = "Table1", source_sh As String = "Sheet1", target_cell As String = "E7"
    Dim tbl As ListObject
    On Error Resume Next ' In case there's no such table
    Set tbl = Sh.ListObjects(source_rg)
    On Error GoTo 0 ' Turn back on regular error handling
    ' Check if the changed range intersects with the table
    If Not tbl Is Nothing Then
        If Not Intersect(Target, tbl.Range) Is Nothing Then
            ' If change is within Table1, recalculate your specific cell
        End If
    End If
End Sub

2. Power Query

  • Benefit - simpler and doesn't require enabling macros
  • Caveat - crashes Excel when the source data has many rows (thousands of lines are already overkill)


  1. Choose your original table and Data=>From Table/Range (under Get & Transform Data)
  2. Right click the last step and choose Insert Step After
  3. Replace the formula on top with (and rename Previous Step Name):
    • If you have just 1 Key column, then: = Table.Group(#"Previous Step Name", {"Item"}, {{"CombinedKeys", each Text.Combine(List.Distinct(List.Transform(Table.Column(_, "Key"), Text.From)), ","), type text}})
    • If you have multiple Key columns, then: = Table.Group(#"Previous Step Name", {"Item"}, {{"CombinedKeys", each Text.Combine(List.Distinct(List.Transform(Table.ToRecords(_), each Text.From([Key1]) & " - " & Text.From([Key2]))), ","), type text}})
  4. Exit Power Query and choose Keep

P.S. If you want to filter out certain keys, like "0" and "-1", here's how:

= Table.Group(#"Previous Step Name", {"Item"}, {{"CombinedKeys", each Text.Combine(
        currentRecords = Table.ToRecords(_),
        nonZeroNonNegativeOneRecords = List.Select(currentRecords, each Text.From([Key1]) <> "0" and Text.From([Key1]) <> "-1"),
        zeroOrNegativeOneRecords = List.Select(currentRecords, each Text.From([Key1]) = "0" or Text.From([Key1]) = "-1"),
        validZeroOrNegativeOneRecords = List.Select(zeroOrNegativeOneRecords, each List.IsEmpty(List.Select(nonZeroNonNegativeOneRecords, (nr) => nr[Item] = _[Item]))),
        combinedRecords = List.Combine({nonZeroNonNegativeOneRecords, validZeroOrNegativeOneRecords}),
        combinedTexts = List.Distinct(List.Transform(combinedRecords, each Text.From([Key1]) & " - " & [Key2]))
        combinedTexts, ","), type text}})
  • I don't think your caveat that PowerQuery will crash Excel is valid - we use PQ all the time to pull in thousands and tens of thousands of rows of data, join tables together etc with no real issues.
    – AdamV
    Commented Jul 15 at 12:37
  • First of all, I meant hundreds of thousands of rows. Secondly, this specific Table.Group gets crashed for me while the VBA doesn't.
    – LWC
    Commented Jul 15 at 17:04

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