My Windows 11 desktop mounts this particular filesystem using NFS -- it is not available as a Windows share -- as drive N:.

When I specify N:\MyBackups as the destination in the "File History" dialog, the path is automatically translated to \\server\share\MyBackups.

I then start getting occasional errors about the drive "disconnecting" -- and how my File History will be backed up locally until the drive returns.

I suspect this is due to this translation -- which omits the protocol. When the backup program tries to access the share, it is treating it as a Windows (SMB) share, rather than using NFS.

Is there some way I could force it to use the NFS-protocol -- such as by correcting the above translation back to N:\MyBackups?

  • I don't have one to test with, but take a look at %localapppdata%\Microsoft\Windows\FileHistory\Configuration\Config.xml and see if it contains some target path options? Even if you give it a better path, I think it's unlikely to work, because NFS mounts are session-specific in windows, just like network shares. Services like the "File History Service" run in a different session, so they can't see your mounts. You can get around this by mounting it as SYSTEM, but it's awkward to do - see the answers here: stackoverflow.com/a/34895821/7411885
    – Cpt.Whale
    Commented Jan 16 at 21:06


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