I need a formula that looks up the number of sales in a month and stage and gives you the highlighted cells in the columns. It has to count the first cell that the sales start in and then if you have 5 sales in Jun, it should populate the month in the column and then move on. Not sure if this is possible or if i need another step in the middle in order to make the formula work.

Sample data: enter image description here

  • Welcome to SuperUser! We are not a free coding service but a community of people that are interested in computers. If you already have a fomula that is not working, we may be able to help you. Commented Feb 2, 2022 at 12:57

1 Answer 1


This is very doable. Have a look at the countif ans countifs formulae.

Something like =COUNTIF(C8:C20, H$3)

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