I am trying to count the number of times a value/string is in a column when other columns are filtered.

Example: I want to be able to filter any column, A through V, and then count how many times a cell value exists in Column X after the filter is applied.

Count of values in the remaining cells, not the number of remaining cells.

  • What type of file are you trying to do this on. An excel file, a text file...what?
    – mdpc
    Commented Apr 13, 2014 at 6:27

1 Answer 1


Use =Subtotal(9, <your range to sum>) to accomplish this. Subtotal(9,<range>) only sums up numbers in the specified range that are not hidden. Since you are wanting to get a count, then just make a column where the value is "1" for every row, and use that as your range.

  • surely with subtotal, function 109 is ignore hidden values and function 9 include hidden values and filtered-out cells are always excluded anyway
    – Antony
    Commented Oct 5, 2018 at 14:12

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