I'm wanting to use my Sound Blaster Z SE's features (like Scout Mode), but funnel the resulting audio into my HyperX headset with surround sound. I know optical out to a headset supporting optical would be the ideal solution (like with some of the Astros headsets), but I can't afford that at this time (though if there's an affordable, passable quality surround sound headset with this functionality, please let me know).

The only other 2 solutions I can think of, if possible, is to either route my Sound Blaster Z speaker or optical playback device into my HyperX device, or have some kind of converter from optical to USB.

Is any of this possible, or is there a better solution? Thank you for your time!

1 Answer 1


Third party tools, such as free JackAudio, donation-ware VB-Cable Virtual Audio Device or commercial Virtual Audio Cable act as a switchboard, connecting multiple devices and applications.

Caveat: As with any software, check it for malware at VirusTotal before installing. Also consider that it may take a bit of work to configure the software. For example, it took experimentation to find Jack2 works on my PC by using the net driver. Check the Jack2 Wiki or configuration and other help.

  • Appreciate the reply! While I went through the beginner's guide for Jack I got to the Cadence section, but the tool kept saying it couldn't connect to the server no matter what driver I selected and even after telling Windows to allow it network access. Jack may be a bit too advanced for me, but I could simply be missing something. With VB VCables and VM-Potato I can pass stereo sound from my sound card's stereo mix to my headset, but not surround sound since the inputs only allow 2 channels. Dolby Atmos seems to be a good workaround, but not sure if that will work in future use cases. Commented May 24, 2021 at 8:06
  • Interestingly enough, my card's stereo mix (labeled as "What U Hear") does say it supports 6 channels, but VM-Potato's hardware inputs only seem to allow 2 channels. The virtual inputs do allow surround sound and I can pass that to the card, but then the problem is routing it into the headset from the card. Commented May 24, 2021 at 8:11

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