
I have set one output device (my speakers) as my default audio output and another output device (my headphones) as my default communications device. I have several programs that I use for communication (most often a casual game, web browser or other program that uses voicechat), that windows does not put on my default communication device.

Is there a way that I can tell windows that a program is a communications program? Then I can keep talking to people on my headset while playing music (or video, or any other non-chat audio) on my speakers.

Practical example

Say a headset is connected to the ASUS MG279 and speakers to the TX-NR626:

output devices

And for example Spotify is playing music and I`m using voicechat on Chrome:

running applications

Then Windows just plays everything on my speakers:

even my voice chat is on default audio

An nothing on my communication device:

communication device not used for my voice chat

How do I tell Windows that Chrome is a communication app?

Related questions

My question is about functionality thats built into windows (seperate output for communication and non-cummunication audio). If that does not work a generic solution to split up programs to audio devices would be just as good, but the following questions show that that is not possible in (any version of) Windows:

  • 1
    It’s not Windows that decides were applications direct their audio to. It’s the applications themselves.
    – Daniel B
    Commented Apr 14, 2018 at 11:55

1 Answer 1


This app (article) turned up in my google assistant feed on my mobile. Its called Eartrumpet (this is what it looks like) and it lets you assign any app to any output. I have only been able to download it through the microsoft store, but its free. (source code)

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