VLC remembers the playback position of most media files (see this thread to enable in macOS). For some media I have played a long time ago, VLC does not remember the playback position and starts at the beginning.

How can I remember the playback position of more files, or of older files, or of all files unless they are played to the end?

1 Answer 1


VLC may not remember the playback position of all files and starts at the beginning.

You might try the Moments' Tracker VLC add-on:

Moments' Tracker allows you to track all your favorite movie/media moments and scenes. Bookmark your favorite moment, give it a title/caption, and that's it.

Once you've done this, you can jump directly to your moment anytime you open that media file, no need to scroll through trying to find certain moment.

If you just want to mark your position so that you could resume from where you stopped, you could use the "Checkpoint" feature.

Click the "Checkpoint!" button, and retrieve it whenever you want using "Retrieve Checkpoint" button.

Whenever you open a media file, all your bookmarked moments are displayed so that you can manipulate it.

Caveat: I haven't tested it yet.


Unfortunately you have to remember to manually save your last play location, but I'm not sure if there's a way around that with the current LUA APIs.

Source Moments' Tracker - addons.videolan.org

  • Not old ones as you point out in your question. Or more than a certain number of files ... that's why the add-on is useful as a workaround ...
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Dec 21, 2020 at 21:00
  • This isn't very convenient though (or at least not more convenient than what I already do now, which is to manually make a note somewhere in a text file).
    – user1655234
    Commented Nov 29, 2022 at 5:23

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