Looking for a video player for mac that allows the "A-B Loop" or "A-B Repeat" of sections of the video.

VLC can do AB Loop for sections but the only way to adjust the AB Loop is to re-set both start and end point.

The players with adjustable start and end points that I've seen so far have both been web based:

  • youtube
  • jwplayer

Looking for a player for Mac. The key feature it to be able to set a section to loop and be able to adjust the start and end point of the loop to get it precise.

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


Yet an online player, it allows video and audio files on the local hard drive to be played back (besides youtube video). The a-b loop section can be fine-adjusted via the keyboard (<--/--> keys) or input fields. Loops can be saved and annotated for future sessions. And the player is open-source. Disclaimer: I am its author.



I have found Audacity to work very well for looping a-b with ease! Amd it's free!

  • Thanks, but audacity is just an audio player, not a video player. For just audio, I've been using this one: 29a.ch/timestretch/# Its nice. "TimeStretch Player" by Jonas Wagner.
    – user36516
    Commented Nov 16, 2020 at 3:55

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