Since updating to Catalina, after activating a virtual environment, it does not affect which python interpreter is called when using the python or python3 command. I confirmed that I am still using Bash as default in my terminal.

I use the which python command and it shows that it is using the system version of python.


MacB:django_blog user$ which python


MacB:django_blog user$ which python3

I am able to use the venv Python interpreter by referencing it by the absolute path, as a work around I was just going to setup aliases for each venv but was wondering if anyone else has seen this issue or better yet, someone had a fix for this.

  • Can you edit your Question to show exactly what command(s) you ran to create your venv?
    – Spiff
    Commented Oct 25, 2019 at 4:46

1 Answer 1


Existing venvs typically need to be re-created after the Python has been updated. Any venvs created with a python -m venv command can be upgraded with the --upgrade option.

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