
We've all seen the browser features that ask permission to use flash, display notifications, popups, etc.

In some cases, there's not even a popup - just an icon is shown and you have to manually go find and whitelist the site to get the content working.

I'd like this to happen in firefox/chrome, etc with videos and audio.

Preferrably, it'd be great if the browser just didn't load / display video elements at all unless I whitelisted the domain in the browser / clicked 'Allow' somewhere.

We're being bombarded with autoplay videos all over the internet, when we really only 'watch' videos on a handful of sites.

Is there a setting somewhere deep in chrome/firefox that would allow me to tell it to ask permission for displaying videos? Not just autoplay - since that frequently doesn't actually stop the videos - but actually not rendering it?

  • You could just write a userscript that hides all video elements. Which doesn't mean they won't get loaded of course…
    – slhck
    Commented Jan 10, 2019 at 15:39

1 Answer 1


You could just wait. Firefox is bringing blocking for autoplay in their new release.

Link: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/02/firefox-66-to-block-automatically-playing-audible-video-and-audio/

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