In the UK the BBC News website (and many others of course) have dropped Flash and use HTML5 to play videos. Unfortunately they also use a continuous-play plugin which can not be disabled, only turned off for the moment.

How can I disable this continuous-play plugin?


1 Answer 1



Click Chrome’s menu button and select Settings to open the Settings page. Click Show advanced settings, click Content settings under Privacy, scroll down to Plug-ins, and select Click to play.


Tools -> Addons -> Plugins and changing the drop-down to Ask to Activate.


  • Sadly this no longer works in Chrome, because most sites use HTML5 video which is not a plugin.
    – user3241
    Commented Sep 19, 2018 at 11:07
  • Try going to chrome://flags and setting "Autoplay Policy" to "Document user activation is required"
    – user3241
    Commented Sep 19, 2018 at 11:11

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